Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/727

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65 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 238—OCT. 30, 1951

Public Law 236



AN ACT October 30, 1951

To provide that the interest of the United States in certain real property shall be conveyed to the city of Newport, Kentucky. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Army is authorized and directed to convey, without consideration, to the city of Newport, Kentucky, all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to the real property conditionally conveyed to that city by the Act entitled "An Act granting certain property to the city of Newport, Kentucky", approved July 31, 1894 (28 Stat. 211). SEC. 2. The deed of conveyance from the Secretary of the Army shall provide, in such manner as he shall deem necessary to protect the interests of the United States, for waiver by the city of Newport of any claims for damages which have arisen or which may in the future arise because of river and harbor and flood-control activities of the Department of the Army. Approved October 30, 1951.

Public Law 237


[H. R. 4928]



AN ACT October 30, 1951

To amend section 10 of the Flood Control Act of 1946.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subparagraph (q) under the subtitle "Lower Mississippi Kiver" in section 10 of the Flood Control Act of 1946 (Public Law 526, Seventy-ninth Congress), is hereby amended by inserting after the words "Saint Francis River Basin" a comma and the words "the White River Backwater Area". Approved October 30, 1951.

Public Law 238


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AN ACT To amend the Act of May 29, 1884, as amended, to permit the Interstate movement, for immediate slaughter, of domestic animals which have reacted to a test for paratuberculosis or which, never having been vaccinated for brucellosis, have reacted to a test for brucellosis; and for other purposes.

October 30, 1961

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 11 of mJ^c^ntoak/ ^°" the Act of Congress approved May 29, 1884, entitled "An Act for the establishment of a Bureau of Animal Industry, to prevent the exportation of diseased cattle, and to provide means for the suppression and extirpation of pleuropneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals" (21 U.S.C. 114a), is hereby amended by deleting 68 8tat.734. therefrom the words "Bang's disease of cattle" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "brucellosis of domestic animals". SEC. 2. The said Act is hereby further amended by adding, at the end thereof, the following new section: "SEC. 13. Domestic animals which have reacted to a test recognized by the Secretary of Agriculture for paratuberculosis or which, never having been vaccinated for brucellosis, have reacted to a test recognized by the Secretary of Agriculture for brucellosis, m a j be shipped.