Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/693

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PUBLIC LAW 225—OCT. 27, 1951

Public Law 224



JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the participation of the United States in the preparation and completion of plans for the observance and memorialization on April 9, 1952, of the one hundredth anniversary of the death of John Howard Payne, author of that family hymn of America, "Home Sweet Home".

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby established a commission to be known as the United States Commission for the Observance of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Death of J o h n Howard Payne and to be composed of nineteen commissioners as follows: The President of the United States; presiding officer of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, ex officio; eight persons to be appointed by the President of the United States; four Senators by the President pro tempore of the Senate; and four Representatives by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Commissioners shall select a Chairman and a Vice Chairman from among their number. SEC. 2. I t shall be the duty of the commissioners, after promulgating to the American people an address relative to the reason of its creation and of its purpose, to prepare a plan or plans and a program for the signalizing of the event, to commemorate which they are brought into being; and to give due and proper consideration to any plan or plans which may be submitted to them; and to take such steps as may be necessary in the coordination and correlation of plans, when, as and if such are prepared by State commissions or by bodies created under appointment by Governors of the respective States, and by representative civic bodies. SEC. 3. When the Commission shall have approved a plan of observance, it shall submit it insofar as it may relate to the fine arts, to the Commission of Fine Arts, in Washington, for their approval, and in accordance with statutory requirements. SEC. 4. The Commission hereby created shall expire within one year after the expiration of the observance and prior to April 9,195B. Approved October 27, 1951.

Public Law 225


October 27, 1951 [H. J. Res. 284]

John Howard Payrie. Commission for anniversary observantie.

D u t y of commissioners.


JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the President to proclaim January 13 of each year as Stephen Foster Memorial Day.

Whereas Stephen Collins Foster has become a national expression of democracy through his clear and simple embodiment of American tradition in his world famous lyrics; and Whereas Stephen Collins Foster was signally honored by being the first musician elected to the National Hall of Fame in New York City; and Whereas the following States have honored Stephen Collins Foster in the construction of memorials: Pennsylvania—Foster Hall, University of Pittsburgh; Indiana—Lilly Hall, Indianapolis; Michigan—Ford Village, Dearborn; Kentucky—Old Kentucky Home, Bardstown; and Florida—Stephen Foster Memorial, on the Suwannee River at White Springs; and Whereas the Songs of Stephen Collins Foster belong to the people and are the musical essence of democracy, so that he is now recog-

October 27, 1951 [H. J. Ees. 308]