Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/308

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274 63 Stat. 407.

PUBLIC LAW 137—AUG. 31, 1951



Treasury pursuant to the provisions of the Surplus Fund—Certified Claims Act of 1949 (31 U.S.C. 712b); and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay to the Republic of the Philippines the sum of $15,000 heretofore deposited in the Treasury by the Republic of the Philippines as a contribution toward its share of the expenses of the Filipino Rehabilitation Commission. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE

C Stat. 810. O

63 Stat. 959. 5 U.S.C. § n05. 5 U.S.C. §1112.

Salaries: For personal services, $29,894,000. Miscellaneous expenses: For necessr.ry expenses, including the purchase of one passenger motor vehicle for replacement only, $1,600,000. Appropriations for the General Accounting Office shall be available for newspapers and periodicals (not exceeding $500), and services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 65a). The Comptroller General of the United States hereafter is authorized, subject to the procedures prescribed by section 505 of the Classification Act of 1949, but without regard to the numerical limitations contained therein, to place two positions in grade GS-18, two positions in grade GS-17, and seven positions in grade GS-16 in the General Schedule established by the Classification Act of 1949, and such positions shall be in lieu of any positions in the General Accounting Office previously allocated under section 505. The authority granted herein shall not be construed to require or preclude the reallocation of any positions in the General Accounting Office previously allocated under section 505. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION

Operating expenses: For necessary expenses of the General Services Administration not otherwise provided for, including: Repair and improvement of public buildings and grounds under the control of the General Services Administration; rental of buildings in the District of Columbia; restoration of leased premises; moving Government agencies in connection with the assignment, allocation, and transfer of building space; demolition of buildings; furnishings and equipment; acquisition by purchase or otherwise and disposal by sale or otherwise of real estate and interests therein; purchase of not to exceed two passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; not to exceed $750 for purchase of newspapers and periodicals; processing and determining net renegotiation rebates; liquidation of activities under the Act to promote the defense of the United States (55 Stat. 22 U. • ^- ^ *" 31); and preparation of guides and other finding aids to records of note. the Second World W a r; $104,500,000. Dispersal of depart The foregoing appropriation shall not be available to effect the mental functions. moving of Government agencies from the District of Columbia into buildings acquired to accomplish the dispersal of departmental functions 01 the executive establishment into areas outside of but accessible to the District of Columbia. Advances and reThe foregoing appropriation shall be credited with (1) advances imbursements. or reimbursements for salaries and administrative expenses chargeable against other appropriations of the General Services Administration, and such salaries and expenses may be paid from this appropriation; (2) cost of maintenance, upkeep, and repair included as part of rentals received from Government corporations pursuant 61 Stat. 584. to law (40 U.S.C. 129); (3) reimbursements for services performed in respect to bonds and other obligations under the jurisdiction of the