Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/289

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For engineering and economic investigations of proposed Federal reclamation projects and studies of water conservation and development plans; engineering and economic investigations, as a basis for legislation, and for reports thereon to Congress, relating to projects for the development and utilization of the water resources of Alaska; formulating plans and preparing designs and specifications for authorized Federal reclamation projects or parts thereof prior to appropriations for construction of such projects or parts; and activities preliminary to the reconstruction, rehabilitation and betterment, financial adjustment, or extension of existing projects; to remain available until expended, $4,500,000, of which not to exceed $4,234,553 shall be available for personal services, and of which $3,810,000 shall be derived from the reclamation fund and $500,000 shall be derived from the Colorado River development fund: Provided, That the expenditure of any sums from this appropriation for investigations of any nature requested by States, municipalities, or other interests shall be upon the basis of the State, municipality, or other interest advancing at least 50 per centum of the estimated cost of such investigations: Provided further, That, except as herein expressly provided with respect to investigations in Alaska, no part of this appropriation shall be expended in the conduct of activities which are not authorized by law.

Reports to Congress.


For construction and rehabilitation of authorized reclamation projects or parts thereof (including power transmission facilities and including a final payment of not to exceed $282,275 to the Grand Coulee School District, Washington, to be made for school facilities, in accordance with the agreement between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Grand Coulee School District, based on enrollment of dependents of Bureau of Reclamation and contractor employees, such payment to constitute full and final discharge of all Federal responsibility arising out of enrollment of dependents of employees of the Bureau of Reclamation and its contractors) and for other related activities, as authorized by law, to remain available until expended, $202,767,725, of which not to exceed $38,104,672 shall be available for personal services, and of which $28,972,650 shall be derived from the reclamation fund: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to initiate the construction of transmission facilities within those areas covered by power wheeling service contracts which include provision for service to Federal establishments and preferred customers, except those transmission facilities for which construction funds have been heretofore appropriated, those facilities which are necessary to carry out the terms of such contracts or those facilities for which the Secretary of the Interior finds the wheeling agency is unable or unwilling to provide for the integration of Federal projects or for service to a Federal establishment or preferred customer: Provided further, That in order to promote agreement among the States of Nebraska, Wyoming, and Colorado, and to avoid any possible alteration of existing vested water rights, no part of this or of any prior appropriation shall be used for construction or for further commitment for construction of the Glendo unit or any feature thereof, until a definite plan report thereon has been completed, reviewed by the States of Nebraska, Wyoming, and Colorado, and approved by Congress: Provided further, That no part of this or prior appropriations shall be used for construction, nor for further conmiitments to construction of Moorhead Dam and Reservoir, Montana, or any feature thereof until a definite plan report thereon has been completed, reviewed by the States of Wyoming and Montana, and approved by the Congress. 76100 O - 52 (PT. I) - 19

Grand Coulee School District,Wash.
