Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/259

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PUBLIC LAW 135—AUG. 31, 1951

65 STAT.]

number: Provided, That in no event shall the number of pmssengercarrying vehicles which may be operated during the current fiscal year at the seat of government under any appropriation or authorization in this Act exceed 50 per centum of the number in use as of June 30, 1951. SEC. 706. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act, except appropriations for the Public Health Service, shall be used to pay the compensation of any employee engaged in personnel work in excess of the number that would be provided by a ratio of one such employee to one hundred and five, or a part thereof, full-time, parttime, and intermittent employees of the agency concerned: Provided, That for purposes of this section employees shall be considered as engaged in personnel work if they spend half time or more in personnel administration consisting of direction and administration of the personnel program; employment, placement, and separation; job evaluation and classification; employee relations and services; training; committees of expert examiners and boards of civil-service examiners; wage administration; and processing, recording, and reporting. SEC. 707. This Act may be cited as the "Labor-Federal Security Appropriation Act, 1952". Approved August 31, 1951.

Public Law 135

Employees engaged in personnel work-

Short title,.


AN ACT Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1952, and for other purposes.

August 31, 1951 [H. R. 3973]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following Department of sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise priauon"Act, 1952!'^° appropriated, for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TITLE I—REGULAR ACT IV I T I E S RESEARCH AND MARKETING ACT OF


To enable the Secretary to improve and develop, independently or through cooperation \mong Federal and State agencies, and others, a sound and efficient system for the distribution and marketing of agricultural products under the provisions of titles II and III of the Act of August 14, 1946, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1621-1629), $4,750,000: Provided, That not less than $600,000 of this amount shall be available for contracts in accordance with the provisions of section 205 of said Act: Provided further, That the Secretary may make available to any bureau, office, or agency of the Department such amounts from this appropriation as may be necessary to carry out the functions for which it is made (but amounts made available to the Office of the Secretary, Office of the Solicitor, and Office of Information, shall not exceed those which the Bureau of the Budget, after a hearing thereon with representatives of the Department, shall determine), and any such amounts shall be in addition to amounts transferred or otherwise made available to other appropriation items of the Department: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for work relating to fish or shellfish or any product thereof, except for the support of

60 Stat. 1087. 7 U.S.C. § 1624. Availability funds.

Work r e l a t i n g to fish, etc.