Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/228

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Funds for loans.

48 Stat. 984.

D i v i s i o n of trust funds. 25 U.S.C. § 399. 43 U.S.C. §315j.

Ratification of resolution adopted June 1, 1950.

25 U.S.C. § 156. 25 U.S.C. §§ 161a161d.

PUBLIC LAW 120—AUG. 21. 1951



ing any other provision of existing law, the tribal funds now on deposit or hereafter deposited in the United States Treasury to the credit of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation may be expended or advanced for such purposes, including per capita payments, as may be designated by the Tribal Business Committee of said tribe and approved by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That the aggregate amount of the expenditures and advances authorized by this section shall not exceed 331/^ per centum of such tribal funds now on deposit: Provided further. That with the exception of a $1,000 per capita payment which is hereby authorized, no per capita payment shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior from the principal of any judgment obtained under the Jurisdictional Act of June 28, 1938 (52 Stat. 1209), as amended, without further legislation: Provided further, That any funds advanced for loans by the tribe to individual Indians or associations of Indians shall be subject to regulations established for the making of loans from the revolving loan fund authorized by the Act of June 18, 1934 (25 U.S.C. sec. 470): Provided further, That no part of the funds authorized to be expended or advanced by this section shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with the preparation or prosecution of the suit or suits in the Court of Claims which resulted in any or all of the judgments handed down by said court on July 13^ 1950, unless approved by the said court in the proceeding now pending before said court for the adjudication of attorneys' fees, or to any agent or attorney on account of any contract for services rendered or to be rendered in the preparation of any suit against the United States. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to divide the trust funds belonging to the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians and deposited in the United States Treasury pursuant to the Act of June 30, 1919 (41 Stat. 33), section 11 of the Act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 1273), as amended, and the Act of June 28, 1938 (52 Stat. 1211), as amended, including the interest thereon, by crediting 60 per centum to the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation, consisting of the Uintah, Uncompahgre, and White River Utes, and 40 per centum to the Southern Utes, consisting of the Southern Utes of the Southern Ute Reservation and the Ute Mountain Tribe of the Ute Mountain Reservation. The resolution adopted June 1, 1950, by the members of the Uncompahgre, White River, and Uintah bands of Ute Indians compromising and settling all existing controversies between themselves as to ownership and distribution of any judgments which may be obtained against the United States and as to ownership of land within the Uintah and Ouray Reservation and income issuing therefrom by providing that the same shall become the tribal property of all the Indians of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation without regard to band derivation is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. The funds apportioned to the Southern Utes under this section shall be divided between the Southern Utes of the Southern Ute Reservation and the Ute Mountain Tribe of the Ute Mountain Reservation as agreed between said tribes. The shares of the respective groups shall be credited to the existing accounts established pursuant to the Act of May 17, 1926 (44 Stat. 560), and the Act of June 13, 1930 (46 Stat. 584). None of the funds involved herein shall be credited or distributed to the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation, consisting of the Uintah, Uncompahgre, and White River Utes, until the Uncompahgre and White River Bands present to the Secretary of the Interior a release satisfactory to him, relieving the United States of any liability resulting from the inclusion of the Uintah Band in the disposition or use of said trust funds.