Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/600

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2906 43 8tat. 15. 8U. S. 0. 2 note. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. expiry date of the visa. However, should the validity of the passport be extended prior to the expiry date, the visa remains valid for the period for which it was granted. The fee for an immigration visa and application therefor, to permit an alien to apply for admission into the United States and its posses- sions with the privilege of residing permanently therein, is $10.00 . The amount of this fee is prescribed by the Immigration Act of 1924, and it may not be changed on the basis of a reciprocal arrangement. The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this occasion to renew to the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assur- ances of its highest consideration. ATHENS, January7,1949. RBM To the RoYAL HELLENIC MNISTRY OF FOREIGN AFAIRS, Athens. The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy ROYAUMn DE GRACE MKNISTfRE DES AFFAIRES 2TRANG]RES No 1155 B/9 Note-Verbale Le Ministare Royal des Affaires Etrangeres presente ses compli- ments a l'Ambassade des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et a l'honneur d'ac- cuser reception de sa Note sub No 11 du 11 de ce mois, concernant la rlduction et l'unification des taxes a percevoir par les Autorites Consulaires americaines et hell6niques au sujet des visas. Selon l'accord ainsi conclu les Autorites Consulaires helleniques per- cevront a partir du Ier f6vrier 1949, les taxes suivantes sur les visas des passeports americains: Visa pour 6migrants valable 1 annee $10 Visa valable jusqu'a 2 ans et pour plusieurs voyages $5 Visa pour touristes et de transit $5 Le Ministere Royal des Affaires Etrangeres saisit cette occasion pour renouveler A l'Ambassade des Etats Unis d'Amerique les assurances de sa tres haute consideration. ATHiENE, le 29 janvier1949 BAmAssAD DES ETATS-UmNs D'AMiBIQTr En Vile