Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/588

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS AND WORSHIP D.P. &D. - ASUNCI6N, June 30, 1948. MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to address Your Excellency to acknowledge receipt A*e, p. 242; of your Note No. 56 of this date, in which, with reference to the Basic Agreement concluded between the Government of Paraguay and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, dated December 31,1942, and the amendments and subsequent extension concluded for the establishment and execution of a cooperative agricultural program in Paraguay, and to the telegram dated June 14, 1948, from His Excellency the Provi- sional President of Paraguay, Dr. Juan Manuel Frutos, to President Harry S. Truman, suggesting a discussion by our respective Govern- ments of a further extension of this Agreement, Your Excellency states that, considering the mutual benefits derived by both Governments from the program, your Government agrees with the Government of Paraguay that an extension of such a program would be desirable. In this connection, I have the pleasure of informing Your Excel- lency that the said note having been transmitted to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, that department of state has informed this Ministry that it is agreeable to extending the aforementioned Basic Agreement. I avail myself of this opportunity to convey to Your Excellency the expression of my distinguished consideration. VICTOR MORiNIGO [SEAL] His Excellency Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States of America FLETCHER WARREN City. - The ParaguayanMinister of Foreign Relations and Worship to the American Ambassador MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES Y CULTO D*24C. ASUNCI6N, 20 de enero de 1947. - SENOR EMBAJADoR: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Vuestra Excelencia con el objeto de transcribirle el texto de la nota S/N-13, del 16 de corriente mes, del Ministerio de Agricultura, que dice asf: "Sefior Ministro: Hace cuatro afios que viene prestando servicio en el Paraguay el STIcA (Servicio Tecnico Interamericano de Co- 2894