Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/502

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. If the Government of the Republic of Ireland is prepared to accept the foregoing conditions and provisions, I have the honor to suggest that the present note and Your Excellency's reply in similar terms should be regarded as placing on record the agreement between the two Governments. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consid- eration. GEORGE A. GARRETT American Minister His Excellency SEAN MACBIRDE, Minister for External Affairs, Iveagh House, Dublin,Ireland. The Irish Minister for External Affairs to the American Minister ROINN GNOTHAI EACHTRACHA DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS BAILE ATHA CLIATH 351/14. 1 August, 1.949. EXCELLENCY, I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's Note, No. 264, of the 1st instant stating that the Government of the United States are prepared to conclude an Agreement regarding the relaxa- tion of Visa requirements with the Government of the Republic of Ireland in the following terms:- (1) Beginning August 1, 1949, American citizens, in possession of valid passports issued by the Government of the United States, proceeding to Ireland shall not be required to be in possession of valid visas. (2) Such American citizens shall otherwise be subject to Irish laws and regulations regarding the entry, short sojourn, and resi- dence or employment in Ireland of persons of other than Irish nationality. (3) The Government of the United States, beginning September 1, 1949, will grant to Irish citizens who qualify as temporary visitors for business or pleasure purposes under the provisions 7u.s.'cA.( of clause (2), Section 3, Immigration Act of 1924, as amended, and who are eligible to receive such visas, gratis non-immigrant passport visas valid for any number of applications for admis- sion into the United States and its possessions during a period of twenty-four (24) months, provided the passports of the bearers remain valid for that period of time. i(4) In addition, the Government of the United States, beginning -"

i September 1,1949, will waive existing fe requirements for all