Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/490

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INTERNATIONAIiL AREEMBNTS OTlER THAN TREATIBS [63 STAT. MEMORANDUM OF UNDER. STANDING RELATIVE TO AP- PLICATION TO THE WESTERN SECTORS OF BERLIN OF THE AGREEMENT ON MOST. FAVOURED-NATION TREAT- MENT FOR AREAS OF WEST- ERN GERMANY UNDER MILI- TARY OCCUPATION 1. The undersigned, represent- ing Governments now signatory to the Agreement on Most-Fa- voured-Nation Treatment for Areas of Western Germany under Military Occupation, signed 14 September 1948 (hereinafter re- ferred to as "the Agreement"), agree, since the same policy con- siderations as apply to the exten- sion of most-favoured-nation treatment to the areas clearly covered by the Agreement also apply to the extension of such treatment to the sectors of Berlin under occupational control of France, the United Kingdom and the United States, that the provi- sions of the Agreement applicable to Western Germany shall from the signature hereof be construed as applicable in like manner to such sectors of Berlin. 2. This Memorandum shall be deposited with the Secretary-Gen- eral of the United Nations who shall transmit a certified copy thereof to each Government speci- fied in paragraph 2 of Article VI of the Agreement. This Memorandum shall be open for signature by each Government MEMORANDUM D'ACCORD PORTANT APPLICATION AUX SECTEURS OUEST DE BERLIN DE L'ACCORD RELATIF AU TRAITEMENT GENERAL DE LA NATION LA PLUS FAVORI- SEE CONCERNANT LES ZONES D'OCCUPATION MILI- TAIRE DE L'ALLEMAGNE OCCIDENTALE 1. Les soussignes, representant les gouvernements actuellement signataires de l'Accord relatif au traitement general de:la nation la plus favorisee concernant les zones d'occupation militaire de l'Allemagne occidentale, signe le 14 septembre 1948 (designe ci- apres comme "1'Accord"), 6tant donn6 que les principes qui s'ap- pliquent A l'extension du traite- ment de la nation la plus favorisee aux zones nettement visees par l'Accord s'appliquent 6galement a l'extension dudit traitement aux secteurs de Berlin sous contr6le militaire des Etats-Unis, de la France et du Royaume-Uni, con- viennent que les dispositions de l'Accord applicables A l'Allemagne occidentale devront etre inter- pr6t6es, a compter de la signature du present Memorandum, comme applicables de fagon analogue auxdits secteurs de Berlin. 2. Le present Memorandum sera depose aupres du Secretaire general des Nations Unies qui en enverra une copie certifiee conforme a chacun des gouverne- ments sp6cifies au paragraphe 2 de 1'Article VI de 1'Accord. Le present Memorandum sera ouvert a la signature pour chacun des 62 stat., Pt. 3, p. 353. 62 Stat., Pt. 3 p. 3656. 2796