Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/465

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INTEA#TIQNKLAO RBEMjLNTETS QTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. ration of service or.otherwise, -, shall be filled in accordance with the appointment procedure set forth n1this article. The Directors shall serve with- out compensation but the Foundation is authorized to pay the necessary expenses of the Directors in at- tending the meetings of the Board. Article 6

he Board shall adopt such by-

laws and appoint such committees as it shall-deem necessary for the conduct of the affairs of "he Foiuz dation. Article i Reports as directed by the Secretary of State of the United, t States of America shall be ade annually on the activties of - the ?pouion to the Secretary of State 5f the United'States of America and the Roya Norwegian Government,. Article 8 . . The principal office of the Foundation shall be in Oslo but meetings of the Board.and any of- . its committees may be held in such other places as the Board may from time to time determine, and the activities of any of the Founda- tion's officers or staff may be carried on at such places as may be approved by the Board. Article 9 . the Board may appol$ ahi Execu-- tive Officer and detefil'e bis sa- lary and ter of service, provided tid eller av andre grunner, skal be- settes i samsvar med de regler for oppnevning som er fastsatt i denne artikkel. Styremedlemmene skal gjore tjen- este uten godtgjorelse, men Fondet kan dekke nodvendige utgifter for styremedlemmene i anledning a astyre- moter. Artikkel 6 Styret skal fastsette.slike ved- tekter og oppnevne de komitder som det finner nodvendig for at Fondet skal sin virksomhet. ., Artikkel 7 Btter regler fastsatt av Ameri-

- has Eorente Staters utenriksminister

skal Arlige rspporter om Fondets

virksomhet atgis'.til Debn ongelige
  • .Norske Regfering og til.Azerikas

..Forente Staters utenriksiinister. Artikkel 8 Fondets hovedkontor skal ha sitt sete i Oslo, men moter i Styret eller noen av dets komiteer kan holdes pA alike andre steder som Styret til en- hver tid fastsetter. Fondets funk- sjonarer og personale kan utfore sitt arbeid pa de steder som Styret m&tte godkJenne. Artikkel 9 Styret kan tilsette en general- sekretar og fastsette hans lann og funk- sjonstid, men hvis det viser seg A aere 2770 Bylaws, etc. Annual reports. Principal office. Executive Officer.