Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/319

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. of both countries should bear a close relationship to traffic requirements. In trunk routes. C.- That in the operation of com- mon sections of trunk routes the air carriers of the contract- ing parties should take into account their reciprocal in- terests so as not to affect un- duly their respective services. Capacity adequate

to trac demands. D.- That the services provided by a designated air carrier under this agreement and its Annex shall retain as their primary objective the provision of ca- pacity adequate to the traffic demands between the country of which such air carrier is a national and the country of ultimate destination of the traffic. International traffic mi destined for thirdi .- That the right to embark and ount. to disembark at points in the territory of the other country international traffic destined for or coming from third countries at a point or points specified in this Annex, shall be applied in accordance with the general principles of or- derly development to which both Governments subscribe and shall be subject to the general principle that capac- ity shall be related: (1) To traffic requirements between the country of origin and the countries of distination; (2) To the requirements of through airline operation, and (3) To the traffic requirements of the area through which the airline passes after taking account of local and regional services. de ambos palses deberla tener una estrecha relaci6n con los requisites de trafico. C.- Cuando funcionen en secciones comunes de las lineas prin- cipales, las naves aereas de las partes contratantes de- berian tener en cuenta sus intereses reciprocos de manera que no afecten indebidamente sus servicios respectivos. D. - Los servicios atendidos, por una nave aerea de acuerdo con este convenio y su anexo ten- dran como principal objetivo la disposici6n de capacidad adecuada para las necesidades de trafico entre el pais a que pertenezca dicha nave a6rea y el pafs de iltimo destino en el trafico. E.- El derecho de embarcar y des- embarcar, en puntos del terri- torio del otro pals, trafico internacional destinado a ter- ceros parses, o procedente de ellos, en un punto o puntos especificados en este Anexo, sera aplicado de acuerdo con los principios generales de desenvolvimiento ordenado que practican ambos gobier- nos, y estara sujeto al prin- cipio general de que la capaci- dad tendra relaci6n: (1) Con los requisites de trY- fico entre el pals de origen y los parses de destino; (2) Con los requisites de fun- cionamiento completo de lineas aereas, y (3) Con los requisites de trafico del area a travys de la cual pase la linea aerea, despu6s de tener en cuenta los servicios locales y regionales. 2624