Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/133

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83 STAT.] SWITZERLAND-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-MAY 13, 1949 Agreements between the United States of America and Switzerland May I, 1949 respecting air transportservices, amending the agreement of August 3, I. A. 8 .199] 1945. Effected by exchanges of notes signed at Bern May IS, 1949; entered into force May 13, 1949. The American Minister to the Chief of the Swiss Federal Political Department LEGATTION o THE UNITu STATSs Or AMerAr e Brn, May IS, 1949 EXCELLENCY : I have the honor to refer to the conversations between the Govern- ments of the United States of America and Switzerland in regard to the amendment of the Interim Agreement relating to Air Transport Services concluded between the United States of America and Swit- zerland dated August 3, 194S, with a view to the insertion of a dis- e0 stat. 195. pute clause into this Agreement. f understand that these conver- sations have now resulted in a text agreed upon between the negotiat- ing parties which is attached hereto and which is to be inserted as Article 10 of the Agreement. I shall be glad to have you inform me whether the Swiss Govern- ment understands that the terms of the dispute clause to constitute Article 10 of the Agreement resulting from the conversations referred to are as found in the enclosure to this note. If your answer is in the affirmative, the Government of the United States of America will regard the new Article 10 of the Agreement effective upon the date of your answer. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. J. C.VWoct His Excellency Dr. MAX PTrPrIErm, FederalCouncilor, Chief of the FederalPoliticalDepartment, Bern. ARTICLE 10 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or its Annex, any e0 sa". M,m dispute between the contracting parties relative to the interpretation or application of this Agreement or its Annex which cannot be settled through consultation shall be submitted for an advisory report to a tribunal of three arbitrators, one to be named by each contracting t ,.b 1 itn-. party, and the third to be agreed upon by the two arbitrators so chosen, 2437