Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/906

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 691-OCT. 14 , 1949 39 Stat. 746. 5 U.S. . §§765-770. Ante, pp. 862, 864. 39 Stat. 742. 5U. .C. §§751-793. Ante, p. 854 et seq. 39 Stat. 742. 5U.S.C. §751-793. 5U. .C.§796. Aggregate mone- tary compensation. Minimum monthly pay. Ante, p. 858. Ante, p. 859. 56 Stat. 725. 5U.S.C.§ 793. Special schedule. decided adversely to the claimant on the ground that the remedy or liability under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act is exclusive, or on jurisdictional grounds, or for insufficiency of the pleadings, the claimant shall, within the time limited by sections 15 to 20 of such Act (including any extension of such time limitations by any provision of this Act), or within one year after final determination of such cause, whichever is later, be entitled to file a claim under such Act. (h) The amendments made by sections 203 and 204 of this Act to sections 12 and 13 of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, per- taining to the determination of the employee's pay or his wage-earning capacity, may, in the interest of justice and in the discretion of the Administrator, be applied in any case, irrespective of the date of injury or death, so as to cause payments of compensation, with respect to any period not earlier than the first day of the first month after enactment of this Act, to be consistent with such amendments. TIME LIMITATIONS NOT EXTENDED SEC. 304. Except as otherwise expressly provided, the enactment of this Act shall not suspend or defer the running of the time limita- tions of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act with respect to the giving of notice of injury and filing of a claim for compensation. SEAMEN SEC. 305. (a) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to affect the exclusion of certain seamen (as defined in the Act of March 24, 1943, ch. 26, 57 Stat. 45, as amended; 50 U. S . C., Appendix, sec. 1291) from the terms of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, as provided by such Act of March 24, 1943, as amended. (b) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to affect any maritime rights and remedies of a master or member of the crew of any vessel. TITLE IV LIBERALIZATION OF MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM COMPENSATION FOR EMERGENCY RELIEF WORKERS SEC. 401. (a) Clauses (a), (b), and (c) of the second proviso to section 1 of the Act approved February 15, 1934 (ch. 13, 48 Stat. 351), are hereby amended to read as follows: "(a) that the aggregate monetary compensation in any indi- vidual case, except compensation for death or for permanent total disability, shall not exceed the sum of $4,000 and that the monthly monetary compensation shall not in any event exceed $100, both exclusive of medical costs; "(b) that, in lieu of the minimum limit on monthly com- pensation for disability established by section 6 and the minimum limit on the monthly pay on which death compensation is to be computed as provided by section 10 (K) of such Act, the monthly pay on the basis of which compensation for disability or death is computed shall be deemed to be not less than $75 and com- pensation shall be payable on the basis of such pay regardless of the actual pay at the time of injury or death, except that the Federal Security Administrator may from time to time, by regu- lation, fix a lower minimum monthly pay as a basis for computing such compensation as to any class of individuals, specified in the fourth paragraph of section 42 of such Act, as amended, who sustained injury or were killed outside the continental United States; "(c) that the Federal Security Administrator may from time to time, subject to the above limitations, establish a special sched- 868 [63 STAT.