Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/891

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63 STAT.] 81sr CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 690-OCT. 14, 1949 853 Dam and Reservoir having a storage capacity of approximately one million acre-feet, to be constructed by the Corps of Engineers at such point below the confluence of the North Fork and the South Fork of the American River near the city of Folsom, California, as the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Engineers after consultation with the Bureau of Reclamation and other appropriate State, Federal, and local agencies may find most advisable; and the following features for the development and use of water, to be constructed, operated, and maintained by the Secretary of the Interior through the Commis- sioner of Reclamation: A hydroelectric power plant with a generating plHy't cpow capacity of approximately one hundred and twenty thousand kilo- watts, and necessary hydroelectric afterbay power plants and necessary electric transmission lines to the nearest practical interconnection with the Central Valley project transmission system; a storage dam with a capacity of approximately forty thousand acre-feet to be located on Sly Park Creek, a tributary of the North Fork of Con- sumnas River, with necessary appurtenant works, including a diver- sion dam on Camp Creek, tunnel, conduit, and canals for the delivery of water to lands in El Dorado County, and incidental works appurte- nant thereto. The Secretary of the Interior, through the Bureau of vesgat'onsur.- Reclamation, is hereby further authorized and directed to conduct the necessary investigations, surveys, and studies for the purpose of developing plans for disposing of the water and electric power which would be made available by the project, including studies of such supplemental works and equipment as may be required to maintain a firm supply of electric energy, and render reports thereon which would set forth the works required for such disposition, together with findings as to their engineering and financial feasibility, including a study of the water resources and requirements of the entire American River watershed and the areas serviceable therefrom, and particularly of a diversion canal at the highest feasible level extending southerly from Folsom Reservoir as will permit the maximum beneficial use of the water for irrigation of the lands lying under said canal in El Dorado and Sacramento Counties; a diversion canal at the highest feasible level for the purpose of securing the maximum beneficial use of the water in Placer County extending northerly from such reservoir to a point on the Bear River in the vicinity of Sheridan, California, and a conduit or conduits with necessary pumping plants and supple- mental works extending from the most feasible diversion point on the Central Valley project, California, to serve lands and municipalities in Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, and San Benito Counties. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed by implication or oReeomendations otherwise as an allocation of water and in the studies for the purposes of developing plans for disposal of water as herein authorized the Secretary of the Interior shall make recommendations for the use of water in accord with State water laws, including but not limited to such laws giving priority to the counties and areas of origin for present and future needs. Reports, etc. , to Said studies and the reports thereon shall be submitted to the proper state et to State authorities under the procedure provided for in the Flood 58 tat. 887. 33U. S.C. §701Ma-1, Control Act of 1944 (Public Law 534, Seventy-eighth Congress, second 70le, 70o,706notes.

  • 8, 709;, Supp. II,

session). M 701cnote; 16 U.S. C. , Folsom Dam and Reservoir, upon completion of construction by the ji5s;82s; 3u.s.c ., Corps of Engineers, to the extent where water from said reservoir is ready to be turned either into the power plant or conduits, shall be otf xation.Bu transferred to the Bureau of Reclamation for operation and mainte- nance under the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior together with the other features of the American River development herein