Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/836

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798 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 680 -OCT. 12 , 1949 [63 STAT. allocated to any State shall be available for the construction of buildings. Of the funds appropriated in this Act for the Fish and Wildlife Service, not to exceed $1,266,430 may be expended for departmental personal services, including such services in the District of Columbia. Availability of Funds available for the work of the Fish and Wildlife Service shall funds. be available for the purchase of not to exceed seventy-one passenger motor vehicles, of which sixty-four shall be for replacement only; purchase (not to exceed three), hire, maintenance, and operation of aircraft including, when purchasing aircraft and parts and accessories thereof, the exchange or sale of similar items and application of the exchange allowances or proceeds of sale in such cases in whole or in part payment therefor; the installation and operation of telephones in Government-owned residences, apartments, or quarters occupied by employees of the Fish and Wildlife Service; providing by purchase, construction, or otherwise, facilities incident to such public recrea- tional uses of wildlife refuges as are not inconsistent with the primary purposes of such refuges; newspapers (not to exceed $100), plans and specifications for vessels, or for contract personal services for the preparation thereof without regard to section 3709, Revised Statutes, Ante, p. 403. as amended (41 U. S . C . 5); printing and binding, including the pur- chase of reprints of scientific and technical articles published in peri- odicals and journals and the publication of bulletins which shall be adapted to the interests of the people of the different sections of the country, an equal proportion of four-fifths of the bulletins to be delivered to or sent out under addressed franks furnished by the Sen- ators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress as they may direct; and rations for officers and crews of vessels or, in lieu thereof, com- mutation of rations at not to exceed $2 per man per day; and for the expenditure from appropriations available for the purchase of lands of not to exceed $1 for each option to purchase any tract of land. Reimbursements. Reimbursements for the cost of supplies and materials and the trans- portation and handling thereof issued from central warehouses author- 49 Stat.113. ized to be established by the Act of June 24, 1936 (16 U. S . C. 667), may be credited to the appropriation current at the time supplies and materials are allotted, assigned, or issued, or at the time such reim- aontets.hange of bursements are received. Not to exceed 5 per centum of the foregoing amounts for expenses of the Fish and Wildlife Service shall be avail- able interchangeably for expenditure on the objects included within the general expenses of said Service, but no more than 5 per centum profer surplus shall be added to any one item or appropriation. The Departments of the Air Force, Army, and Navy, the Coast Guard the Civil Aero- nautics Administration, and disposal agencies are authorized to trans- fer to the Fish and Wildlife Service aircraft for replacement pur- poses only (but not necessarily of the same size or type or at the same locations), and such other equipment, materials, and supplies (with an appraised value of not to exceed $500,000), surplus to the needs of such agencies, as may be required by said Service, such transfers to be Vessels. without charge therefor; and in addition the Departments of the Army and Navy, the Coast Guard, and the Maritime Commission are author- ized to transfer without charge therefor vessels for replacement pur- poses only (but not necessarily of the same size or type or at the same locations) marine engines, parts and accessories surplus to the needs of such agencies. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES TERRITORY OF ALASKA For necessary expenses of the offices of the Governor and the Secre- tary, including salaries of the Governor and Secretary; printing and