Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/834

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 680 -OCT. 12 , 1949 61 Stat. 726. 16 U. S. C., Supp. II, §5 758-758d. 60 Stat. 810 . 60 Stat. 218 . 62 Stat. 1143. 58 Stat. 100. 16 U. S. C., Supp. II, § 631r. 58 Stat. 102. 46 Stat. 845. 16 U. S. C., Supp. II, 5§851-856 . 49 Stat. 1246. 61 Stat. 511 . 16 U. S. C., Supp. II, §§ 776-776f. 3 CFR 1947 Supp. , p. 168. 45 Stat. 701. 16U. S.C. § ld. 46 Stat. 1468. Pocatello, Idaho, depot and laboratory. 49 Stat. 1913. 40 Stat. 755. 16 U. S. C., Supp. II, i 704 note. 54 Stat. 250. 16 U. S. C., Supp. n, I 668d. August 4, 1947 (Public Law 329), authorizing the exploration, investi- gation, development, and maintenance of the fishery resources and the development of the high-seas fishing industry of the Territories and island possessions of the United States in the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean, and intervening areas; temporary services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S. C. 55a) ; employ- ment of officers and crews of vessels in accordance with policies and wage scales approved by the Secretary pursuant to the provisions of section 606 of the Federal Employees' Pay Act of 1946 (5 U. S . C. 946); and payment of subsistence allowances to officers and crews of vessels at rates approved by the Secretary; $900,000, together with the unobligated balance of the appropriation under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1949. Fishery market news service: For collecting, publishing, and dis- tributing, by telegraph, mail, or otherwise, information on the fishery industry, market supply and demand, commercial movement, location, disposition, and market prices of fishery products, $158,500. Protection of Alaska fur seals: For carrying out the provisions of the Fur Seal Act of February 26, 1944 (16 U. S. C. 631a-631r), as amended, including the development and utilization of the products of the fur seal and other wildlife resources of the Pribilof Islands, $481,300. Alaska fur-seal investigations: For investigations of Alaska fur seals pursuant to the Act of February 26, 1944 (16 U. S . C . 631i), $37,400. Enforcement of Black Bass, Whaling Treaty, and Sockeye Salmon Acts: For enforcement of the Act of July 2, 1930, as amended, and the Act of May 1, 1936 (16 U. S. C. 851-855, 901-915); and for carrying out the provisions of the Act of July 29, 1947 (Public Law 255), and of Executive Order Numbered 9892; $43,600. Wildlife resources and management investigations: For investiga- tions of wild game, wild fur animals, and other wildlife resources, causes of their depletion, and of means of securing a maximum sus- tained yield therefrom; for investigations of the relations of wild animal life to forests, under section 5 of the Act approved May 22, 1928 (16 U. S. C . 581); for investigations of damage by birds to agricultural and horticultural crops, and developing and applying methods for control of such damage; and for investigations of the wildlife resources of the Territory of Alaska, $367,000. Control of predatory animals and injurious rodents: For investiga- tions and demonstrations in destroying animals injurious to agri- culture, horticulture, forestry animal husbandry, and wild game, and in protecting stock and other domestic animals through the sup- pression of rabies and other diseases in predatory wild animals as authorized by law (7 U. S . C. 426), including not to exceed $3,000 for the purchase of printed bags, tags, and labels; and for repairs, addi- tions, and installations in and about the grounds and buildings of the game-management supply depot and laboratory at Pocatello. Idaho, including purchase, transportation, and handling of supplies and materials for distribution from said depot to other projects, in accord- ance with the provisions of the Act approved June 24, 1936 (16 U. S. C . 667), $1,080,000. Protection of migrry birds: Forigratory birds: For the enforcement of the Miga- tory Bird Treaty Act of July 3, 1918, as amended, to carry into effect the treaty with Great Britain and the convention between the United States and the United Mexican States (16 U. S. C. 703-711); for cooperation with local authorities in the protection of migratory birds, including necessary investigations; for the enforcement of the Act for the protection of the bald eagle (16 U. S . C . 668-668d); for the enforcement of sections 241-244 of the Act approved March 4, 1909, 796 [63 STAT.