Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/782

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 662-OCT. 10 , 1949 60 Stat. 810 . 62 Stat. 1247. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. i 2012 (a). 62 Stat. 1241, 1242 , 1243, 1244, 1245 . 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. §§ 2003(a), (b) (2), 2004 (e), 2005 (h), 2006. Restriction. .- nte, p. 332. 62 Stat. 515. of chartering authority beyond June 30, 1949, unless the charterer shall agree that the Commission shall have no obligation upon rede- livery to accept or pay for consumable stores, bunkers, and slop-chest items, except with respect to such minimum amounts of bunkers as the Commission considers advisable to be retained on the vessel and that prior to such redelivery all consumable stores, slop-chest items, and bunkers over and above such minimums shall be removed from the vessel by the charterer at his own expense. VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION Funds heretofore appropriated for "Automobiles and other convey- ances for disabled veterans" are hereby continued available until June 30,1950. WAR CLAIMS COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES For expenses necessary during the fiscal year 1950 for the War Claims Commission, including personal services in the District of Columbia; travel; printing and binding; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S . C . 55a); and advances or reimbursements to other Government agencies for use of their facilities and services in carrying out the functions of the Commis- sion; $300,000, to be derived from the war claims fund created by section 13 (a) of the War Claims Act of 1948 (Public Law 896, approved July 3, 1948). PAYMENT OF CLAIMS For payment of claims, as authorized by the War Claims Act of 1948, from funds deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the war claims fund created by section 13 (a) of said Act, such sums as may be necessary, to be available to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment of claims under sections 4 (a), 4 (b) (2), 5 (e), 6 (b), and 7 of said Act to the payees named and in the amounts stated in certifica- tions by the War Claims Commission and the Federal Security Administrator or their duly authorized representatives, which certi- fications shall be in lieu of any vouchers which might otherwise be required: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for administrative expenses. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARIICH ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Salaries and Expenses Inspection and quarantine For an additional amount for "Inspection and quarantine, 1950," $60,000. Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth and Other Contagious Diseases of Animals To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to make repayment to the Commodity Credit Corporation for amounts transferred and ex- penses incurred during the fiscal year 1949 under this head, pursuant to authority in the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1949, $34,000,000. 744 [63 STAT.