Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/772

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 659, 660-OCT. 10, 1949 Restriction on ac- quisition of land. Rules and regula- tions. Acquisition of title. October 10, 1949 [H. R. 4708] [Public Law 341] United Nations Par- ticipation Act of 1945, amendments. 59 Stat. 619. 22U. S .C .. 287 (a)- (d); Supp. II, § 287 note. U. S. representative and deputy represen- tative to United Na- tions. Duties. Additional U. S . deputy representative to Security Council. Representatives and alternates for sessions of General Assembly. SEC. 2. Unless consented to by an owner retaining the reservation set forth in subsection (1) of section 1 hereof, no action shall be taken by the Federal Government during the period of such reservation to purchase, acquire, or otherwise terminate or interfere with any lease or leases which may be applicable to said owner's lands. SEC. 3 . Any reservations retained under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 1 hereof shall be exercised by the owners subject to reasonable rules and regulations which the Secretary may prescribe for the protection of the park, but which shall permit the reserved rights to be exercised so that the oil, gas, and minerals may be explored for, developed, extracted, and removed from the park area in accordance with sound conservation practices. All operations shall be carried on under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe to protect the lands and areas for park purposes. SEC. 4 . In any action caused by the Secretary of the Interior to be commenced for the acquisition of lands under the provisions hereof, reasonable diligence shall be exercised by him to ascertain whether owners elect to retain reservations in accordance with the provisions of this Act. If, after the exercise of such reasonable diligence, owners cannot be located, or do not appear in judicial proceedings to acquire the lands, so that it may be ascertained whether they desire to retain reservations in accordance with the provisions hereof, the Secretary may acquire the fee simple title to their lands free and clear of reserva- tions as set forth in subsections (1) and (2) of section 1 hereof. Approved October 10, 1949. [CHAPTER 660] AN ACT To amend the United Nations Participation Act of 1945. !, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) of section 2 of the United Nations Participa- tion Act of 1945 are hereby amended to read as follows: "(a) The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a representative and a deputy representative of the United States to the United Nations, both of whom shall have the rank and status of envoy extraordinary and ambassador pleni- potentiary and shall hold office at the pleasure of the President. Such representative and deputy representative shall represent the Untied States in the Security Council of the United Nations and may serve ex officio as United States representative on any organ, commission, or other body of the United Nations other than specialized agencies of the United Nations, and shall perform such other functions in connection with the participation of the United States in the United Nations as the President may from time to time direct. "(b) The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint an additional deputy representative of the United States to the Security Council who shall hold office at the pleasure of the President. Such deputy representative shall represent the United States in the Security Council of the United Nations in the event of the absence or disability of both the representative and the deputy representative of the United States to the United Nations. (e) The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Sen- ate, shall designate from time to time to attend a specified session or specified sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations not to exceed five representatives of the United States and such number of alternates as he may determine consistent with the rules of pro- 734 [63 STAT.