Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/722

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 530 -SEPT. 1 , 1949 on a line parallel to and two hundred feet west of the easterly line of South Harnischfeger Avenue to the south line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad Company right-of-way; thence easterly along the south line of said railroad right-of-way to the point of beginning, excepting therefrom that part of South Harnischfeger Avenue previously dedicated for street purposes. Parcel II. That tract of land located in the northeast quarter of section 35, township 7 north, range 21 east, and described, in general, as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Forty- fourth Street and the north line of section 35 and running thence west along the north line of section 35 to the northwest corner of the north- east quarter of section 35; thence south along the west line of the north- east quarter of section 35 a distance of four hundred feet, more or less; thence east on a line parallel to and four hundred feet south of the north line of the northeast quarter of section 35 a distance of three hundred and seventy feet, more or less, to a point; thence south thirty degrees east five hundred and forty feet; thence south forty-eight degrees east three hundred and sixty feet, more or less, to the northerly edge of Chrysler Road; thence easterly along the northerly line of Chrysler Road to its point of junction with the easterly line of Red Arrow Drive; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Red Arrow Drive to a point which is three hundred feet northerly of the north line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad right- of-way, measured at right angles to said right-of-way; thence south- easterly parallel to and three hundred feet northerly of the said right-of-way to a point which is six hundred and eighty feet, more or less, west of the east line of section 35; thence southerly on a line parallel to the east line of section 35 to the north line of said railroad right-of-way; thence easterly along the north line of said right-of-way to the east line of section 35; thence north along the east line of section 35 a distance of seven hundred ninety-eight and thirty-eight one- hundredths feet, more or less, to a stone in the east line of Forty-fourth Street; thence northerly along the east line of Forty-fourth Street to the point of beginning. Excepting, however, the four and sixty-eight one-thousandths-acre tract of land in the northeasterly corner, now occupied by the Menominee Valley booster pumping station and further excepting therefrom the area, if any, dedicated for street purposes. Parcel III. That tract of land located in the southwest quarter of section 26, township 7 north, range 21 east, and the northwest quarter of section 35, township 7 north, range 21 east, and described, in gen- eral, as follows: Beginlning at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 26. and running thence northerly along the east line of the southwest quarter of section 26 to the south line of West Blue Mound Road; thence westerly along the south line of West Blue Mound Road to the east line of The Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company right-of-way; thence southerly along the east line of said right-of-way to the south line of section 26; thence continuing south on the same line, extended for a distance of four hundred feet. more or less; thence easterly on a line parallel to and four hundred feet south of the south line of section 26, to the west line of the north- east quarter of section 35; thence north along said line to the point of beginning. Use o nd. SEC. 3 . The parcels of land authorized to be transferred and leased 6 by the first section of this Act shall be used by said grantee and lessee for civic and recreational purposes. The deed of conveyance of such parcels I and II shall contain the provision that such tracts of land shall be used for the purposes for which they were conveyed and that, in the event such tracts cease to be used for such purposes, or in the event the grantee attempts to alienate all or any part of such 684 [63 STAT.