Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/704

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666 42 Stat. 1488. 5 U.S .C . 661-674; Supp. II, §662et seq. Post, p . 972. August 26, 1949 [S. 974] [Public Law 269] Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, amend- ments. 62Stat. 3. 5U.S.C., Supp.II, 851 (5). 62 Stat. 3. 5U. S.C ., Supp. II, 851 (6). August 27, 1949 [S. 259] [Public Law 2701 Title 28, U. S . Code, amendment. 62 Stat. 880. 28 U.S . C., Supp. II, 96. August 27, 1949 [H. R. 5086] [Public Law 271] Armed forces of other nations. Free importation privileges. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 512, 513, 516, 517-AUG. 25 , 26, 27, 1949 [63 STAT. pay the premiums of such bonds: Provided,That personnel paid by the hour, day, or month when actually employed, and county crop insur- ance committeemen may be appointed and their compensation fixed without regard to civil-service laws and regulations or the Classifica- tion Act of 1923, as amended." SEC. 11. The expanded program authorized herein shall be instituted beginning with the 1950 crop year, the additional cost for fiscal year 1950 to be financed, pending the appropriation of supplemental funds, from any appropriation available for operating and administrative expenses of the Corporation for such fiscal year. Approved August 25, 1949. [CHAPTER 513] AN ACT To amend the Veterans' Preference Act of 1944 with respect to certain mothers of veterans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) clause (5) of section 2 of the Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, as amended, is amended by striking out "(if they have not remarried)" and insert- ing in lieu thereof "(if they have not remarried or, if they have remarried, they are divorced or legally separated from their husband or such husband is dead at the time preference is claimed) ". (b) Clause (6) of section 2 of such Act, as amended, is amended by striking out "(B) the mother was divorced or separated from the father of said ex-serviceman son or ex-servicewoman daughter, and (C) the mother has not remarried." and inserting in lieu thereof "(B) the mother was divorced or separated from the father of said ex-serv- iceman son or ex-servicewoman daughter, and (C) the mother has not remarried or, if she has remarried, she is divorced or legally sep- arated from her husband or such husband is dead at the time prefer- ence is claimed." . Approved August 26, 1949. [CHAPTER 516] AN ACT To discontinue divisions of the court in the district of Kansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 96 of title 28 of the United States Code is amended to read as follows: "§ 96. Kansas "Kansas constitutes one judicial district. "Court shall be held at Kansas City, Leavenworth, Salina, Topeka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Dodge City, and Fort Scott." Approved August 27, 1949. [CHAPTER 517] AN ACT To accord privileges of free importation to members of the armed forces of other nations, to grant certain extensions of time for tax purposes, and to facilitate tax administration. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption in the United States, its Territories, or possessions for the official use of persons who