Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/652

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614 52 Stat. 767. 34 Stat. 84, 33 U. S.C . §§491-498. August 18, 1949 [H. R . 1892] [Public Law 245] LakeCounty,Mont. Patent in fee. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 465 , 472, 473, 476-AUG. 17, 18, 1949 [63 STAT. creating the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission and authorizing said Commission and its successors to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Niagara River at or near the city of Niagara Falls, New York", approved June 16, 1938, is hereby amended to read as follows: "For like purposes, and subject to all applicable conditions and limitations contained in this joint resolution the said Commission and its successors and assigns are hereby authorized (1), with the approval of the proper authorities in the Dominion of Canada, to purchase, and in accordance with the provisions of such Act of March 23, 1906, to reconstruct, repair, maintain, and operate, existing bridges across the Niagara River at or north of the city of Niagara Falls; and (2) to issue bonds to provide for the payment of the cost of acquiring any such bridge and its approaches and the necessary lands, easements, and appurtenances thereto, payable solely from the revenues of such bridge." Approved August 17, 1949. [CHAPTER 472] AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue to Lake County, Montana, a patent in fee to certain Indian lands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed, with the consent and approval of the tribal council of the Consolidated Tribes of Flathead, Kootenai, and Salish Indians, to issue to Lake County, Montana, a patent in fee to the following-described lands on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana: The north half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 36, township 21 north, range 20 west, Montana principal meridian, containing five acres more or less. Approved August 18, 1949. [CHAPTER 473] JTnT N'P Ti'QT TT'PTTfKT August 18, 1949 -- l _[l.J. Res. 3391 Amending an Act making temporary appropriations for the fiscal year 1950, as [Public Law 2461 amended, and for other purposes. Ante, pp. 405, 486; post, p. 696. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Public Law 154 (Eighty-first Congress), making temporary appropriations for the fiscal year 1950, and for other purposes, as amended, is hereby amended by striking out, in section (c) thereof, "or (3) August 15, 1949," and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "or (3) with respect to para- graph (b) August 15, 1949, and with respect to paragraph (a) September 15, 1949". Approved August 18, 1949. [CHAPTER 476] August 18,1949 ACT [H. R.2421 To provide for the conferring of the degree of bachelor of science upon graduates [Public Law 247] of the United States Merchant Marine Academy. 48 Stat. 73. 10 U. . c.C 486a; 14 U. . c. §15a;34 U. S. C. 1057a; 46 U.S.C. 1126a. Ante, p. 559. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of May 25, 1933, as amended, relating to the conferring of degrees upon graduates of the Naval Academy, Military Academy, Coast Guard