Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/582

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544 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 393-AUG. 4, 1949 [63 STAT. transportation and other necessary expenses to effectuate such delivery. (b) No person who is convicted by court-martial for desertion from the Coast Guard in time of war, and as the result of such conviction is dismissed or dishonorably discharged from the Coast Guard shall afterwards be enlisted, appointed, or commissioned in any military or naval service under the United States, unless the disability resulting from desertion, as established by this section, is removed by a board of commissioned officers of the Coast Guard convened for considera- tion of the case, and the action of the board is approved by the Secre- tary; or unless he is restored to duty in time of war. § 576. Prisoners: allowances to; transportation (a) Persons confined in prisons in pursuance of the sentence of a Coast Guard court shall, during such confinement, be allowed a reason- able sum, not to exceed $3 per month, for necessary prison expenses, and shall upon discharge be furnished with suitable civilian clothing and paid a gratuity, not to exceed $25. Such allowance shall be made in amounts to be fixed by, and in the discretion of, the Secretary and only in cases where the prisoners so discharged would otherwise be unprovided with suitable clothing or without funds to meet their immediate needs. (b) The Commandant may transport to their homes or places of enlistment, as he may designate, all discharged prisoners; the expense of such transportation shall be paid out of any money to the credit of prisoners when discharged. CHAPTER 17-ADMINISTRATION See. 681. Delegation of powers by the Secretary. 632. Functions and powers vested in the Commandant. 633. Regulations. 634. Officers holding certain offices. 635. Oaths required for boards. 636. Administration of oaths. 637. Stopping vessels; immunity of Coast Guard officer. 638. Coast Guard ensigns and pennants. 639. Penalty for unauthorized use of words "Coast Guard". 640. Interchange of supplies between Army, Navy, and Coast Guard. 641. Disposal of certain material. 642. Deposit of damage payments. 643. Rewards for apprehension of persons interfering with aids to navigation. 644. Payment for the apprehension of stragglers. 645. Settlement of claims incident to activities of the Coast Guard. 646. Claims for damages occasioned by vessels. 647. Claims for damage to property of the United States. 648. Accounting for industrial work. 649. Supplies and equipment from stock. 650. Coast Guard supply fund and supply account 651. Annual report. 652. Removing restrictions. 653. Employment of draftsmen and engineers. § 631. Delegation of powers by the Secretary The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to confer or impose upon the Commandant of the Coast Guard any of the rights, privileges, powers, or duties, in respect to the administration of the Coast Guard, vested in or imposed upon the Secretary of the Treasury by this title or other provisions of law.