Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/58

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 42 --MAR. 30, 1949 "Used for transient occupancy." "Hotel." 62 Stat. 93. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. § 1892 (c) (2). 61 Stat. 197. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. 1892 (c) (3). 60 Stat. 207. 50U.8.C., app. §§ 1821-1833; Supp. II, § 1821-1832 . 61 Stat. 197. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. § 1892 (d). Post, p. 25 . 61 Stat. 197. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. 1 1892 (e). " Rent." such as maid service, furnishing and laundering of linen, telephone and secretarial or desk service, use and upkeep of furniture and fixtures, and bellboy service; or "(B) those housing accommodations in hotels in cities of two million five hundred thousand population or more according to the 1940 decennial census (i) which are located in hotels in which 75 per centum or more of the occupied housing accommodations on March 1, 1949, were used for transient occupancy, or (ii) which are not located in hotels described in (i) but which on March 1, 1949, were used for transient occupancy; for the purposes of this subparagraph (B)- "(1) the term 'used for transient occupancy' means rented on a daily basis, to a tenant who had not on March 1, 1949, con- tinuously resided in the hotel for ninety days or more; and "(2) the term 'hotel' means any establishment which on June 30, 1947, was commonly known as a hotel in the community in which it is located and was occupied by an appreciable number of persons who were provided customary hotel services such as maid service, furnishing and laundering of linen, telephone and secretarial or desk service, use and upkeep of furniture and fixtures, and bellboy service; or". (b) Section 202 (c) (2) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, is amended by striking out "trailer or trailer space" and inserting in lieu thereof "trailer, or trailer space, used exclusively for transient occupancy". (c) Section 202 (c) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, is amended by striking out paragraph (3) thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the following: " (3) any housing accommodations (A) the construction of which was completed on or after February 1, 1947, or which are housing accommodations created by a change from a nonhousing to a housing use on or after February 1, 1947, or which are addi- tional housing accommodations created by conversion on or after February 1, 1947: Provided, however, That any housing accom- modations resulting from any conversion created on or after the effective date of the Housing and Rent Act of 1949 shall continue to be controlled housing accommodations unless the Housing Expediter issues an order decontrolling them, which he shall issue if he finds that the conversion resulted in additional, self- contained family units as defined by regulations issued by him: And provided further, That contracts for the rental of housing accommodations to veterans of World War II and their immediate families, the construction of which was assisted by allocations or priorities under Public Law 388, Seventy-ninth Congress, approved May 22, 1946, shall remain in full force and effect; or (B) the construction of which was completed on or after February 1, 1945, and prior to February 1, 1947, and which between the date of completion and June 30, 1947, both dates inclusive, at no time were rented (other than to members of the immediate family of the landlord) as housing accommodations; or". (d) Section 202 (d) of such Act, as amended, is amended by strik- ing out in which maximum rents were being regulated under such Act on March 1, 194", and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "in which maximum rents (1) were being regulated under such Act on March 1, 1947, or (2) are established or reestablished pursuant to section 204 (i) (1) or (2) of this title". (e) Section 202 (e) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "(e) The term 'rent' means the consideration, including any bonus, benefit, or gratuity demanded or received for or in connection with 20 [63 STAT.