Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/570

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532 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 393-AUG. 4, 1949 [63 STAT. § 471. Attendance at professional meetings Coast Guard personnel may be directed to attend meetings of tech- nical, professional, scientific, and other similar organizations and may be reimbursed for expenses thereby incurred at the rates authorized by law. § 472. Travel allowance to enlisted men on discharge The provisions of law authorizing travel allowances to enlisted men of the Navy upon discharge shall apply to enlisted men of the Coast Guard upon discharge, in the same manner, to the same extent, and under the same conditions. § 473. Allowances to underage discharged persons The Secretary, under regulations prescribed by him, may dis- charge from the Coast Guard, with pay and allowances and dis- charge certificate found appropriate for their service after enlist- ment, enlisted persons who have secured enlistment by reason of false statement of age on their applications for enlistment and have therefore been enlisted while under the minimum statutory or admin- istrative age limit. When so discharged or released such enlisted persons shall be furnished transportation in kind and subsistence from the place of discharge to their home. § 474. Compensation for travel tolls and fares Coast Guard personnel may be directed to secure transportation necessary in conducting official Government business within the limits of their duty stations, and expenses incurred thereby for train, bus, streetcar, ferry, bridge, and similar fares and tolls may be defrayed by the Coast Guard, or the personnel so directed may be reimbursed for such expenses. § 475. Hiring of quarters for personnel Where sufficient quarters are not possessed by the United States, the Commandant may hire quarters for personnel, including person- nel on sea duty at such times as they may be deprived of their quarters on board ship due to repairs or other conditions which may render them uninhabitable. Such accommodations shall not be available for occupancy by the dependents of such personnel. § 476. Contingent expenses The Commandant may expend for contingencies of the Coast Guard a sum not to exceed $7,500 in any one fiscal year. The Commandant may authorize the Superintendent of the Academy to expend not to exceed $2,500 of this amount for contingencies of the Academy. § 477. Equipment to prevent accidents The Coast Guard may make such expenditures as are deemed appropriate for promotion and maintenance of the safety and occupa- tional health of, and the prevention of accidents affecting, personnel of the Coast Guard, including the purchase of clothing, equipment, and other materials necessary thereto. § 478. Rations or commutation therefor in money (a) Enlisted men of the Coast Guard, civilian officers and civilian crews of vessels, and working parties in the field shall be allowed a ration or commutation thereof in money, in such amount and under limitations and regulations prescribed by the Secretary. (b) Money for commuted rations shall be paid, under such regu- lations as the Secretary shall prescribe, on proper vouchers or pay