Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/556

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518 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 393-AUG. 4, 1949 [63 STAT. § 246. Dropping for disabilities due to vicious habits Any commissioned officer found by a retiring board to be incapaci- tated for active service because of his own vicious habits, shall, if the findings of the retiring board are approved by the President, be dropped from the service. WARRANT OFFICERS § 301. Permanent appointments (a) The Secretary may appoint permanent warrant officers, as the needs of the Coast Guard require, from among the following cate- gories: (1) temporary commissioned warrant officers and temporary warrant officers of the Coast Guard; (2) enlisted men of the Coast Guard; (3 members of the Coast Guard Reserve; and (4 licensed officers of the United States Merchant Marine. (b) No person shall be appointed a warrant officer until his mental, moral, physical, and professional fitness to perform the duties of a warrant officer has been established as the result of such examinations as the Secretary shall prescribe. (c) Appointees under this section shall take precedence with other warrant officers in accordance with the dates of their appointments. Appointees whose dates of appointment are the same shall take prece- dence with each other as the Secretary may determine. § 302. Temporary appointments (a) The Secretary may appoint temporary warrant officers appro- priate to their qualifications and experience. Such temporary warrant officers, while in service, shall receive the same pay, allowances, and benefits as permanent warrant officers of corresponding length of service, except that no temporary warrant officer as such shall be entitled to retirement while serving under his temporary appointment. All temporary appointments as warrant officers shall be made only after the candidates have satisfactorily passed such examinations as the Secretary shall prescribe. (b) Any enlisted man in the regular Coast Guard may be appointed as a temporary warrant officer. Notwithstanding such temporary appointment, any such enlisted man shall be entitled to retirement in his permanent rating in the same manner as though he had continued to hold his permanent rating, and upon the ter- mination of such temporary appointment shall be entitled to revert to such rating. Service under any such temporary appointment shall be included in determining length of service as an enlisted man. § 303. Compulsory retirement at age of sixty-two Any warrant officer who has reached the age of sixty-two years shall be retired from active service, with retired pay of the grade with which retired. § 304. Voluntary retirement after thirty years' service Any warrant officer who has completed thirty years' service may, upon his own application, in the discretion of the Secretary, be retired from active service, with retired pay of the grade with which retired.