Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/545

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507 63 STAT.] 81ST CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 393-AUG. 4 , 1949 § 147. Department of Commerce In order to promote the safety of life and property on and over the high seas and waters over which the United States has jurisdiction, and to facilitate the preparation and dissemination by the Weather Bureau of the weather reports, forecasts, and warnings essential to the safe and efficient conduct of domestic and international commerce on and over such seas and waters, the Commandant may cooperate with the Chief of the Weather Bureau by procuring, maintaining, and making available, facilities and assistance for observing, investigating, and communicating weather phenomena and for disseminating weather data, forecasts and warnings, the mutually satisfactory terms of such cooperation in weather service to be agreed upon and arranged between the Commandant and the Chief of the Weather Bureau. § 148. Maritime instruction The Coast Guard may, when so requested by proper authority, detail officers and enlisted men for duty in connection with maritime instruc- tion and training by the several States, Territories, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, and when requested by the United States Maritime Commission, detail persons in the Coast Guard for duty in connection with maritime instruction and training by the United States. The service rendered by any person so detailed shall be con- sidered Coast Guard duty. § 149. Detail of officers and men to assist foreign governments The President may upon application from the foreign governments concerned, and whenever in his discretion the public interests render such a course advisable, detail officers and enlisted men of the Coast Guard to assist foreign governments in matters concerning which the Coast Guard may be of assistance. Officers and enlisted men so de- tailed may accept, from the government to which detailed, offices and such compensation and emoluments thereunder appertaining as may be first approved by the Secretary. While so detailed such officers and enlisted men shall receive, in addition to the compensation and emoluments allowed them by such governments, the pay and allowances to which they are entitled in the Coast Guard and shall be allowed the same credit for longevity, retirement, and for all other purposes that they would receive if they were serving with the Coast Guard. § 150. Coast Guard officers as attaches to missions Commissioned officers may, with the consent of the Secretary of State, be regularly and officially attached to the diplomatic missions of the United States in those nations with which the United States is extensively engaged in maritime commerce. Expenses for the mainte- nance of such Coast Guard attaches abroad, including office rental and pay of employees and allowances for living quarters, including heat, fuel, and light, may be defrayed by the Coast Guard. § 151. Contracts with Government-owned establishments for work and material All orders or contracts for work or material, under authorization of law, placed with Government-owned establishments by the Coast Guard, shall be considered as obligations in the same manner as pro- vided for similar orders or contracts placed with private contractors, and appropriations for such work or material shall remain available for payment therefor as in the case of orders or contracts placed with private contractors.