Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/442

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404 June 30, 1949 [H. R. 5044 [Public Law 153] Second War Powers Act, 1942, amend- ments. 66 Stat. 187; 61 Stat. 322; 62 Stat. 58, 342. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. § 645 (b). 61 Stat. 323. 50 U. S. C., Supp. II, app. §645 (c). PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 289, 290-JUNE 30, 1949 [CHAPTER 2891 AN ACT [63 STAT. To continue for a temporary period certain powers, authority, and discretion in respect to tin and tin products conferred upon the President by the Second Decontrol Act of 1947, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (b) of section 1501 of the Second War Powers Act, 1942, as amended by the Second Decontrol Act of 1947 (Public Law 188, Eightieth Con- gress), and as further amended by the Act of February 28, 1948 (Public Law 427, Eightieth Congress), and by the Act of June 4, 1948 (Public Law 606, Eightieth Congress), is hereby amended by inserting after "June 30, 1949" the words "except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) (1) (A) below". Subsection (b) (1) (A) is hereby amended by inserting before the semicolon at the end thereof a comma and the following: "until the close of June 30, 1950". Subsection (c) of such section 1501 is hereby amended by striking out "June 30, 1949" and inserting in lieu thereof "June 30,1950". Approved June 30, 1949. [CHAPTER 290] June 30, 1949 [H. J. Res. 284] [Publie Law 154] Temporary appro- priation, 1950. Post, pp . 485, 614, 696. JOINT RESOLUTION Making temporary appropriations for the fiscal year 1950, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) there are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, and out of applicable corporate or other revenues, receipts, and funds, such amounts as may be necessary to permit departments, agencies, corporations, or other organizational units in any branch of the Government for which appropriations, funds, or other author- ity (including limitations, restrictions, or permissive provisions) would be made available for use or application in the fiscal year 1950 by any appropriation Act (such Act not being law on July 1, 1949), to carry out their projects or activities until the approval of the appli- cable appropriation Act, to the extent and in the manner which would be provided for in appropriations, funds, or other authority granted by such Act: Provided: That in any case where the amount to be made available or the authority to be granted under any such Act as passed by the House of Representatives is different from the amount to be made available or the authority to be granted under such Act as passed by the Senate, the pertinent project or activity shall be carried out under whichever amount is lesser or whichever authority is more restrictive: Provided further, That in any case where an item is included in an appropriation Act which has been passed by only one House, or where an item is included in only one version of an Act passed by both Houses, for a project or activity for which funds were provided by Congress for the fiscal year 1949, such project or activity shall be carried on under the appropriation, funds, or authority granted by the one House, but in no event at a rate higher than that provided for the fiscal year 1949. (b) There are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- ury not otherwise appropriated, and out of applicable corporate or other revenues, receipts, and funds, such amounts as may be necessary to permit departments, agencies, corporations, or other organizational units in any branch of the Government to carry out projects or activi- ties for which funds were provided by Congress for the fiscal year 1949,