Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/428

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 288-JUNE 30, 1949 cies to determine the extent of compliance with prescribed principles Report to congress. and standards and approved systems, and the Comptroller General shall report to the Congress any failure to comply with such principles and standards or to adequately account for property. (c) The Administrator shall prescribe such regulations as he deems necessary to effectuate his functions under this Act, and the head of each executive agency shall cause to be issued such orders and direc- tives as such head deems necessary to carry out such regulations. Delegation of au- (d) The Administrator is authorized to delegate and to authorize thority. successive redelegation of any authority transferred to or vested in him by this Act (except for the authority to issue regulations on mat- ters of policy having application to executive agencies, the authority Ante, p. 381. contained in section 106, and except as otherwise provided in this Act) to any official in the General Services Administration or to the head of any other Federal agency. Designation ofother (e) With respect to any function transferred to or vested in the General Services Administration or the Administrator by this Act, the Administrator may (1) direct the undertaking of its performance by the General Services Administration or by any constituent organi- zation therein which he may designate or establish; or (2) designate and authorize any executive agency to perform such function for itself; or (3) designate and authorize any other executive agency to perform such function; or (4) provide for such performance by any combination of the foregoing methods. Any designation or assign- ment of functions or delegation of authority to another executive agency under this section shall be made only with the consent of the executive agency concerned or upon direction of the President. Transfer of person- (f) When any executive agency (including the General Services Administration and constituent organizations thereof) is authorized and directed by the Administrator to carry out any function under this Act, the Administrator may, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, provide for the transfer of appropriate personnel, records, property, and allocated funds of the General Services Administration, or of such other executive agency as has theretofore carried out such function, to the executive agency so authorized and directed. Advisory commit- (g) The Administrator may establish advisory committees to advise with him with respect to any function transferred to or vested in the Administrator by this Act. The members thereof shall serve without compensation but shall be entitled to transportation and not to exceed $25 per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by section 5 of the 60 stat. 808. Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S . C . 73b-2), for persons so serving. Consultations. (h) The Administrator shall advise and consult with interested Federal agencies with a view to obtaining their advice and assistance in carrying out the purposes of this title. SURVEYS, STANDARDIZATION AND CATALOGING SEC. 206. (a) As he may deem necessary for the effectuation of his functions under this title, and after adequate advance notice to the executive agencies affected, and with due regard to the requirements of the National Military Establishment as determined by the Secretary of Defense, the Administrator is authorized (1) to make surveys of Government property and property management practices and obtain reports thereon from executive agencies; (2) to cooperate with execu- tive agencies in the establishment of reasonable inventory levels for Report. property stocked by them and from time to time report any excessive stocking to the Congress and to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget; (3) to establish and maintain such uniform Federal supply 390 [63 STAT.