Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/398

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 286-JUNE 30, 1949 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS SALARIES AND EXPENSES 60 Stat. 1097. 5 .S.C.§133y- 1 6 note. 46 Stat. 817. 46 Stat. 741. Basis of overtime compensation. 49 Stat. 879. 60 Stat. 810. For expenses necessary for collecting the revenue from customs, enforcement of navigation laws under section 102, Reorganization Plan Numbered III of 1946, and of other laws enforced by the Bureau of Customs, and the detection and prevention of frauds, including not to exceed $100,000 for the securing of information and evidence; transportation and transfer of customs receipts from points where there are no Government depositories; examination of estimates of appropriations in the field; not to exceed $500 for newspapers; not to exceed $100,000 for stationery; not to exceed $12,000 for maintenance and improvement of buildings and sites, acquired under the Act of June 26 1930 (19 U. S . C . 68); printing and binding; purchase of one hundred passenger motor vehicles for replacement only; expenses of seizure, custody, and disposal of property; arms and ammunition; not to exceed $1,020,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia exclusive of ten persons from the field force authorized to be detailed under law (19 U. S . C . 1525); $35,150,000. Hereafter overtime compensation of customs officers and employees, as authorized by law, shall be based either on standard or daylight saving time, whichever is observed where the overtime services are performed. REVOLVING FUND, BUREAU OF CUSTOMS For establishing a revolving fund which shall be available, without fiscal year limitation exclusively for transfer to the appropriation for collecting the revenue from customs to cover obligations of the Bureau of Customs arising from authorized reimbursable services, pending reimbursement from parties in interest, $300,000: Provided, That amounts so transferred shall be returned to the revolving fund not later than six months after the close of the fiscal year in which transferred. REFUNDS AND DRAW-BACKS For refund or payment of customs collections or receipts, and pay- ment of debentures or draw-backs, bounties, and allowances, as authorized by law, such amounts as hereafter may be necessary. BUREAUt OF INTERNAL REVENUE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses in assessment and collection of internal- revenue taxes; administration of the internal-revenue laws: discharge of functions imposed upon the Commissioner of Internal Revenue by or pursuant to other laws; investigations concerning the enrollment or disbarment of practitioners before the Treasury Department in inter- nal-revenue matters; and acquisition, operation, maintenance, and repair of property under title III of the Liquor Law Repeal and Enforcement Act (40 U. S . C . 304f-m), including personal services in the District of Columbia, and elsewhere; expenses, when specifically authorized by the Commissioner, of attendance at meetings of organi- zations concerned with internal-revenue matters; purchase (not to exceed one hundred and eighty-four for replacement only) and hire of passenger motor vehicles; printing and binding; examination of esti- mates of appropriations in the field; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S . C . 55a), and of expert witnesses at such rates as may be determined by the Commissioner of Internal [63 STAT. 360