Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/386

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 280 -JUNE 29, 1949 47 Stat. 14 . Post, p . 986. Passenger motor ve- hicles. Employment of aliens. 60 Stat. 903. 60 Stat. 843; 62 Stat. 1008. 28 U. S. C., Supp. 11, §2672 . Ante, pp. 62, 106. Persons engaging, etc., in strikes against or advocating over- throw of U. S. Govern- ment. Administration of oaths. Affidavit. Penalty. FEDERAL LAND BANKS The total amount of $189,000,000 in the revolving fund appropriated to the Office of the Secretary, Treasury Department, for subscriptions to the paid-in surplus of the Federal land banks, as authorized by the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended (12 U. S . C . 781 (Tenth)). TITLE III-GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 301. Within the unit limit of cost fixed by law the lump-sum appropriations and authorizations made for the Department under this Act shall be available for the purchase of passenger motor vehicles, and for the hire of such vehicles, necessary in the conduct of the work of the Department outside the District of Columbia, but the number of such vehicles purchased or otherwise acquired for all the activities of the Department for which appropriations and authorizations are made under such Act shall not exceed two-thirds of the total number indicated for purchase by the Department under the statements of proposed expenditures for purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles in the Budget: Provided, That any such number shall be increased proportionately (as nearly as may be) as the amount appro- priated or made available under the particular heading involved may exceed the budget estimate. SEC. 302. Provisions of law prohibiting or restricting the employ- ment of aliens shall not apply to (1) the temporary employment of translators when competent citizen translators are not available; (2) employment in cases of emergency of persons in the field service of the Department for periods of not more than sixty days; and (3) employment under the appropriation for the Office of Foreign Agri- cultural Relations. SEC. 303. Appropriations and authorizations made in this Act shall be available for health service programs as authorized by law (5 U. S. C. 150). SEC. 304. Funds available to the Department during the current fiscal year shall be available for the payment of claims pursuant to section 403 of the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U. S . C . 2672). SEC. 305. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act, or of the funds available for expenditure by any corporation included in this Act, shall be used to pay the salary or wages of any person who engages in a strike against tihe Government of the United States or who is a member of an organization of Government employees that asserts the right to strike against the Government of the United States, or who advocates, or is a member of an organization that advocates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence: Provided,That such administrative or supervisory employees of the Department as may be designated for the purpose by the Secre- tary are hereby authorized to administer the oaths to persons making affidavits required by this section, and they shall charge no fee for so doing: Provided further, That for the purposes hereof an affidavit shall be considered prima facie evidence that the person making the affidavit has not contrary to the provisions of this section engaged in a strike against the Government of the United States, is not a member of an organization of Government employees that asserts the right to strike against the Government of the United States, or that such person does not advocate, and is not a member of an organization that advo- cates, the overthrow of the Government of the United States by force or violence: Provided further, That any person who engages in a strike against the Government of the United States or who is a member of an organization of Government employees that asserts the right to 348 [63 STAT.