Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/358

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320 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 279-JUNE 29, 1949 [63 STAT. repair of public sewers, $10,000; for completing additional sludge digestion tanks and additional sedimentation tanks at the Sewage Treatment Plant, $175,000; and for the preparation of surveys, plans and specifications in connection with the construction of storm-water and relief sewers, including services as authorized by section 15 of 60 Stat. 810. the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S. C. 55a), $15,000; in all, $2,134,000, and not to exceed $44,825 of the appropriation for "Capital outlay, Sewer Division", contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation 6o stat. 519. Act, 1947, for plans and specifications for chemical treatment, sludge drying and incineration facilities at the Sewage Treatment Plant, is continued available until June 30, 1950; and not to exceed $41,000 of the appropriation for "Capital outlay, Sewer Division: For increasing the capacity of the Sewage Treatment Plant," as contained in the 61 Stat. 44. District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1948, is made available until June 30, 1950, for plans and specifications for chemical treatment, sludge drying, and incineration facilities at the Sewage Treatment Plant. Operating expenses, Water Division (payable from water fund): For expenses necessary for operation and maintenance of the District of Columbia water distribution system; installing and repairing water meters on services to private residences and business places as may not be required to install meters under existing regulations, said meters to remain the property of the District of Columbia; replace- ment of old mains, service pipes, and divide valves, and repair of reservoirs; water waste and leakage survey including services as 60 Stat. 810. authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S . C. 55a); such expenses to include purchase of passenger motor vehicles; not to exceed $500 for purchase and replacement of uniforms for water meter inspectors; and refunding of water rents and other water charges erroneously paid in the District of Columbia, to be refunded in the manner prescribed by law for the refunding of erroneously paid taxes; $2,051,000, to be available for such refunds of payments made within the past two years. Capital outlay, Water Division (payable from water fund): For extension of the District of Columbia water-distribution system, lay- ing of such service mains as may be necessary under the assessment system, laying mains in advance of paving and installing fire and public hydrants; pumping facilities at the Anacostia pumping station and rehabilitation of Bryalt Street pumping station, includling serv- ices as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2,1946 (5 I S. C 60 Stat. 810. 55a); $1,585,000, of which not to exceed $30,000 for pumping facilities at Anacostia plnmping station, and $1.000,000 for rehabilitation of Bryant Street pumping station shall remain available until expended, and the Commissioners are authorized to enter into contract or con- tracts for pumping facilities at the Anacostia pumping station at a total cost of not to exceed $450,000. Water fund, investment, District of Columbia: The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to sell United States securities now held for and on account of the water fund of the District of Columbia in such amounts as may be certified by the Commissioners as necessary and credit the proceeds of such sale to said water fund. WASHINGTON AQUEDUCT Operating expenses (payable from water fund): For expenses necessary for the operation, maintenance, repair, and protection of Washington water supply facilities and their accessories, and main- Msters on Federal tenance of MacArthur Boulevard; including replacement and main- tenance of water meters on Federal services within the District of Columbia; purchase of two passenger motor vehicles; $1,482,000.