Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/290

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 236 -JUNE 23, 1949 1950 for payment of claims certified by the Comptroller General of the United States to be due for the fiscal year 1948 and prior years, for which funds are not otherwise available, under the decision of the Court of Claims in the case of Ockenfels versus The United States (107 Ct. Cls. 150); and the limitation under said head on the amount available for retired pay, former Lighthouse Service, is increased from "$1,000,000" to "$1,200,000". ACQUISITION OF VESSELS AND SHORE FACILITIES " Eastwind". Not to exceed $3,000,000 of the unobligated balance of funds here- tofore appropriated under this head shall be available for conversion and repair of the icebreaker Eastwind. SECRET SERVICE DIVISION 62 stat. 413 . For an additional amount, fiscal year 1949, for "Reimbursement to District of Columbia, benefit payments to White House police and Secret Service forces", $1,500. TITLE II-INCREASED PAY COSTS For additional amounts for appropriations for the fiscal year 1949, to meet increased pay costs authorized by the Act of July 3, 1948 62 tat. 2up7. (Public Law 900), and comparable increases granted by administrative hM955-58, 93, 3a. action pursuant to law, as follows: LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Senate: "Salaries, officers and employees", $471,945; Contingent expenses of the Senate: "Senate policy committees", $2,640 for each committee; in all, $5,280; "Joint Committee on Economic Report", $2,640; "Joint Committee on Atomic Energy", $4,950; "Joint Committee on Printing", $1,320; "Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation", $5,280; "Vice President's automobile", $330; "Automobile for the President pro tempore", $165; "Automobiles for majority and minority leaders", $660; "Reporting Senate proceedings", $4,290; "Inquiries and investigations', $24,750; "Miscellaneous items", $3,630; House of Representatives: "Clerk hire, Members and Delegates"; $500,000; Contingent expenses of the House: "Furniture", $7,000; "Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation", $7,500; "Office of the Coordinator of Information", $2,500; "Folding documents", $15,000; "Revision of laws", $330; "Speaker's automobile", $330; Office of the Legislative Counsel: "Salaries and expenses", $8,950, of which $4,950 shall be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and $4,000 by the Clerk of the House of Representatives; 252 [63 STAT.