Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/234

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 218 -JUNE 16, 1949 Tarrant County, Tex the said railway spur to run northerly of the mill which has been constructed on the tract of land westerly of the said third tract of land; said easement to remain in full force and effect as long as said railway spur is maintained and used. (15) The War Assets Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Works Agency, without reimbursement, for use of the Public Buildings Administration the following-described land, together with the improvements thereon: A six and eight hundred and twenty-three one-thousandths acre tract of land lying and being in Tarrant County, Texas, particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly southeast corner of a tract of land deeded to the Defense Corporation by the Globe Air- craft Corporation on the 20th day of April 1942, also recorded in volume 1530, page 357, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; said beginning corner also being the southeast corner of a four and eighty- eight one-hundredths acre tract deeded to the Bennett Aircraft Cor- poration by John Kennedy, et ux, on the 20th day of March 1940, said deed being on record in volume 1425, page 500, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas: Thence north no degrees two minutes east along its east line one hundred and twelve feet to the place of beginning of the land to be described; thence north eighty-eight degrees fifty minutes west two hundred and thirty-six feet; thence north one degree ten minutes east one hundred and fifteen feet; thence north eighty-eight degrees fifty minutes west five hundred and forty-four feet; thence north one de- gree ten minutes east with fence line three hundred and forty-nine feet to the center of the Saginaw-Old Denton Road; thence south eighty-eight degrees fifty minutes east with the center of said road seven hundred and seventy and eight-tenths feet, to northeast corner of said tract, same being the northeast corner of said Bennett Aircraft Corporation's four and eighty-eight one-hundredths acre tract; thence south no degrees two minutes west four hundred and sixty-four feet to the place of beginning. (16) The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is hereby authorized to transfer to the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Works Agency for use of the Public Buildings Administration the following- described land, together with the improvements thereon: A one hundred forty-nine and seven hundred and sixty-two one- thousandths acre tract of land lying and being in Tarrant County, Texas, particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of the David Cook Survey in the center of Cantrell-Sansom Road, one thousand two hundred and ninety-one feet east of the south- west corner of said David Cook Survey, said point being the most southerly southeast corner of a tract of land deeded to the Recon- struction Finance Corporation by Globe Aircraft Corporation on the 27th day of June 1947, said deed being on record in volume 1925, page 463, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas: Thence north one-half degree east with fence line four thousand five hundred and sixteen feet, an iron post; thence south eighty-five and one-half degrees east with fence line nine hundred and sixty- seven feet, an iron post; thence south with fence line thirty feet, an iron post; thence south eighty-five degrees east with fence line seven hundred and twenty-six feet, a stake; thence north one-half degree west one hundred and twelve feet, a stake the southeast corner of a six and eight hundred and twenty-three one-thousandths acre tract of land out of said David Cook Survey, deeded to the Defense Plant Corporation by the Globe Aircraft Corporation on the 20th day of April 1942, said deed being on record in volume 1530, page 357, Deed 196 [63 STAT.