Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/206

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 187, 190-JUNE 10, 1949 not have been caused in whole or in part by any negligence or wrong- ful act on the part of the claimant, his agent, or employee, and shall not have occurred at quarters occupied by the claimant which are not assigned to him or otherwise provided in kind by the Government; and (c) such claim shall have been presented in writing within one year after the occurrence of the accident or incident out of which such claim arises. Acceptance by any claimant of an award hereunder shall release the United States, its agents or employees, from any further claim by such claimant arising out of the same incident. thApporiation au- SEC. 2. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums Pot, p. 876. as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act. Approved June 10, 1949. [CHAPTER 190] June 10, 1949 AN ACT IS.353] To protect scenic values along and tributary to Aspen Basin Road, and contiguous [Public Law 94] scenic area, within the Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Santa Fe National United States of America in Congress assembled, That hereafter Forest, N. Mex. Mining locations. mining locations made under mining laws of the United States within the following-described lands within the Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe, New Mexico: Sections 1, 2, 3, the northeast quarter of section 11 and the north half of section 12, in surveyed township 17 north, range 10 east; sections 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 36, and that portion of section 25, outside the boundaries of the Gabaldon Grant in surveyed township 18 north, range 10 east; three thousand eight hundred and forty acres, more or less, in unsurveyed township 18 north, range 11 east, expected to be legally described, when surveyed, as sections 7, 8, 18, 19, and 30, the northeast quarter of section 17, the west half of section 17 and the west half of section 20, township 18 north, range 11 east, New Mexico principal meridian, shall confer on the locator the right to occupy and use so much of the surface of the land cov- ered by the location as may be reasonably necessary to carry on prospecting, mining, and beneficiation of ores including the taking of mineral deposits and timber required by or in the mining and ore reducing operations, and no permit shall be required or charge Removalof timber. made for such use or occupancy: Providd, however, That the cut- ting and removal of timber, except where clearing is necessary in connection with mining operations or to provide space for buildings or structures used in connection with mining operations, shall be conducted in accordance with the rules for timber cutting on adjoin- ing national-forest land, and no use of the surface of the claim or the resources therefrom not reasonably required for carrying on min- ing and prospecting shall be allowed except under the national-forest rules and regulations, nor shall the locator prevent or obstruct other occupancy of the surface or use of surface resources under authority of national-forest regulations, or permits issued thereunder, if such occupancy or use is not in conflict with mineral development. Mineral deposits. SEC. 2 . That hereafter all patents issued under the United States mining laws affecting lands within the above-described area shall con- vey title to the mineral deposits within the claim, together with the right to cut and remove so much of the mature timber therefrom as may be needed in extracting and removing and beneficiation of the mineral deposits, if the timber is cut under sound principles of forest management as defined by the national-forest rules and regulations, but each patent shall reserve to the United States all title in or to the surface of the lands and products thereof, and no use of the surface of the claim or the resources therefrom not reasonably required for carrying on mining or prospecting shall be allowed except under the rules and regulations of the Department of Agriculture. 168 [63 STAT.