Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1449

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INDEX Maryland-Continued Saint Elizabeths Hospital, committal authority of U. S. Commissioner, persons of unsound mind in certain Federal reservations ------------ Suitland, retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and con- trol of certain buildings ----_ - __ Suitland Parkway, consideration as ex- tension of D. C. park system; administration ------------------ Masi, Luigi, deportation suspension ---- Massachusetts: Boston- Conveyance to Federal Works Agency in ----------------------- Logan International Airport, project authority ----------------- Pneumatic tube service, appropria- tion for--------------------- Marine school, State, reimbursement for expenses ------------------- Northeastern Interstate Forest Fire Pro- tection Compact, consent of Con- gress-------------------------- Masters, Harold A. (Sic), acceptance of gift from foreign government, author- ized ---------------------------- Masu, John (Giovanni Masu), deportation suspension -- _-------------------- Matiatos, Spiros, deportation suspension_ Matisons, Dimitrius (Mike Matisons or Mijta Matisons), deportation sus- pension-------------------------- Matthews, James I., payment to-------- Matthios, Theodoros (Terry), deportation suspension ------------------------ Mattsson, Matts Erik, deportation sus- pension ----------------------- Mayfield, Mrs. Florence, payment to --- Mayr, Henry (Ferdinand Mayr), deporta- tion suspension ------------------ . Mazelow, Lillian (Lily), deportation sus- pension------------------------ Mazelow, William, deportation suspen- sion--------------------------- McAllister, Lester B., credit in accounts__ McCain, John Sidney (Vice Admiral), commission as admiral, USN, issuance posthumously, authorized --------- McCall, James E. (Slc), acceptance of gift from foreign government, author- ized -------------------------- McCallum, Elsa, deportation suspension_ McCarthy, Lawrence G., admission for permanent residence-------------- McClave, Mary Agnes, deportation sus- pension ------------------------ McCollum, Jack, payment to---------- rage 759 182 612 1243 193 693 372 651 271 1077 1225 1241 1232 1097 1241 1243 112: 1237 1237 1237 1166 1171 1077 1237 1093 1222 1173 McCorvey, H. M., payment to estate of_ McCoy, H. L ., relief from liability------- McDermott, John T. (Lt.), advancement on retired list of Navy------------- McDougall, Joseph Ignatius, deportation suspension- _ _ -- -- -- - __-________-- McGill, John Joseph, deportation suspen- sion ----------------- ___ ___ -_ _- - McHughes, Narious A., payment to -- __- McKellar, Nettie Banks, deportation sus- pension ------------------------- McLean, Horace Josiah, deportation sus- .. j . pension -------------------------- 1232 McMillan, Carolyn, payment to legal guardian of---------------------- 1124 McMillan, V. O ., payment to----------- 1124 Meany, William S. , c redit in accounts - -- 1113 Mears, Wilfred Anthony (Willie Mears), deportation suspension ------------ 1233 Meat Inspection, appropriation for ---- 256, 332 Mecham, Eldon James, deportation sus- pension------------------------__ 1231 Mecham, Elisha James, deportation sus- pension ------------------------- 1231 Mecham, Peggy Lynn, deportation sus- pension ------------------------- 1231 Medals, Decorations, Etc.: Acceptance from foreign governments by- Fitzwilliam, Albert E. (Capt.) --- -- 1077 Hansen, Edward W. (Rear Adm.) - 1077 Nichols, John E. (Lt. jg) ----------- 1077 Rees, MinaS. (Dr.) --------------- 1077 Barkley, Alben W., presentation of medal in recognition of distin- guished services, authority ----- .. 599 Appropriation authorized .. 599 Appropriation for . 87!) Coast Guard, provisions in Title 14, I. S. Code 5-------. 535 Humane Action, Medal for, establish- ment and award for participation in supply effort, Berlin, Germany---- 447 National Capital sesquicentennial, medal commemorating celebration, authorized-------------------- 143 Naval Establishment, certain personnel and former personnel, acceptance of gifts and awards from foreign governments, authority ---------- 1076 Unauthorized wearing, manufacture or sale, penalty-------------------- 92 Medford, Oreg., retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and control of certain lands------------ 179 Mediation and Conciliation Service, Fed- eral. See Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. CXIX Page 1084 1099 1073 1249 1249 1110 1220