Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1377

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Contracts With United States-Con. Pag Strategic and critical materials, author- ity of Treasury Department--- _.. 25 Contreras, Jose (Jose Almanza Contreras), deportation suspension ------------ 123 Conventions, National Veterans' Organ- izations, use of armed services equip- ment, terms; bond--.- -- -- -- - -.- -- - 48 Convict Labor, restriction on payments by Public Roads Administration to State employing ---------.------------- 64: Coons, Olga Alexandra (Hoffman), de- portation suspension ------------- _ 124X Cooper, Prisca Edrozo, deportation sus- pension---------.------------- 1231 Cooperative Farm Forestry Act, appro- priation for effecting provisions of- - 331 Cooperatives, Banks for: Agricultural commodities, storage, loans for construction of structures_ - 1058, 1059 Compensation rate, maximum, director, officer, or employee ------------- 972 Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands, appropriation for--------------- 258, 76f Copper, suspension of certain import tax on --------------------- .- - - - - - - 3C Copra, termination of suspension of proc- essing tax on, proclamation -------- 1279 Copyright Office, appropriation for---- 226, 253 Copyrights, Amendments to Title 17, U. S . Code: Foreign works, ad interim protection; extension to full term------------ 154 Mechanical work to be done in United States; exceptions from require- ment ------------------------- 153 Corazza, Gilberto Leo (Gilberto Corazza or Corrazza or Gilbert Lee Corazza), deportation suspension------------- 1227 Cordova, Alaska, construction authorized- 935 Corn: Acreage allotments----------------- 1057 Crop insurance -------------------- 664 Marketing quotas, 1950 crop, deter- mination and proclamation ------ 1057 Price support------------------ 1051,1052 Coronado National Forest, Ariz., funds available for purchase of lands; ad- dition of lands to---------------- . 607 Corporations, Government. See Govern- ment Corporations. Corral, Jaime Rafael (James Rafael Cor- ral), deportation suspension-------- 1244 Corrao, Carlo, deportation suspension --- 1235 Cortes, Carolina Napoleon (Caroline Napoleon Denard), deportation sus- pension------------------------ 1227 Cortes, Lydia, payment to --- ------- 1125 Cortis, Maria (Maria Athansiou Papapn- gioton), deportation suspension----- 1222 Corvallis Airport, Corvallis, Oreg., appro- priation for claim under Federal Air- port Act -------- ..- __- _------- Costa-Ferrandiz, Ricardo, deportation suspension --------. .- __ ..- _-- Costas, Juan Antonio Lopez (Juan Lopez Costas or Juan Lopez), deportation suspension -----------. _.......-- Cotsonis, Potoula George (Potoula La- loussis), deportation suspension- .-- Cotton: Page 745 1232 1227 1227 Acreage, measurement of ----------- 676 Acreage allotments- Computation without regard to yields or acreage planted in 1949 ---- 17 Allotments and yields under Agri- cultural Adjustment Act of 1938, establishment in con- formity with provisions ----- 672 National, determination, apportion- ment, etc----------------- 670-674 Notice of ----------------------- 676 Acreage report, restriction on use of funds for -------------------- . 328 "Carry-over"---.------------------- 675 Crop insurance -- -- -- _ ---. _-------664 Ginning, appropriation for investiga- tions---. .--- ------ ------- ----- 334 Imports, long-staple, change in quota year, and fixing of quota for interim period --------------- 1294 Marketing quotas- Appropriation for effecting provisions respecting -------------- ___. - 82 Farm marketing quotas; penalties for excess---. --- --- --- --- -- --- - 674 National, proclamation of --------- 670 Ineligibility for payments under Soil Conservation and Domes- tic Allotment Act for excess planting ------------------ 675 Long-staple cotton, applicability of provisions--------------- 675 Referendum ------------------ 670 "Normal supply"----------------- 676 Parity and price support, standard grade for purposes of - ----------- 676, 1054 Price support ---------------. . 1051, 1052 Prices, restriction on prediction by em- ployees of Department of Agri- culture---------_-----.-----_ 325 "Total supply"---------------

676 Cotton Fiber Analyses, appropriation for- 344 'otton or Woolen Goods: Foreign excess, disposal, determination respecting importation - ----- -- 398 Surplus, disposal under Federal Prop- erty and Administrative Services Act of 1949 --------------- ---- 386 INDEX XLVII ---