Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/756

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. ARTICLE 140. Inquiries. Ordinary articles. 1. Every inquiry relative to an ordinary article gives rise to the Ante, p. 3258. preparation of a form in conformity with Form C 8 hereto appended, which must be accompanied, whenever possible, by a facsimile of the envelope or of the address of the article. 2. The office which receives the inquiry sends that form directly, without letter of transmittal, in a sealed envelope, to the correspond- ing office. The latter, after having obtained the necessary informa- tion from the addressee or from the sender, as the case may be, returns the form in the same manner to the office which has prepared it. 3. If the inquiry is seen to be well founded, the latter office sends the form to its central Administration, for purposes of further in- vestigation. 4. A single form may be used for several articles mailed simul- taneously at the same office by the same sender addressed to the same addressee. 5. Any Administration may request, by a notification addressed to the International Bureau, that inquiries concerning its service be transmitted to its central Administration or an office specially designated. 6. Form C 8 shall be returned to the Administration of origin of the article inquired about in accordance with the provisions of Article 141, Section 8, hereafter. ARTICLE 141. Inquiries. Registered articles. 1. Every inquiry relative to a registered article is made on a form Ante, p. 0 in conformity with Form C 9 hereto appended, which shall be ac- companied, as far as possible, by a facsimile of the envelope or address of the article. C.O.I . articles. 2. If the inquiry concerns a C. O . D. article, it shall also be accom- panied by a duplicate of the money order R 3 of the Agreement concerning collect-on-delivery articles, or by a transfer bulletin, as the case may be. Single form. 3. A single form may be used for several articles mailed simul- taneously at the same office by the same sender addressed to the same addressee. Procedure. 4. The inquiry is, as a general rule, sent directly by the office of origin to the office of destination; such transmission takes place without letter of transmittal and in a sealed envelope. If the office of destination is in a position to furnish information as to the final disposal made of the article, it completes the form and returns it to the office of origin. 5. When the disposal of the article cannot be established by the office of destination, the latter states the fact on the form and returns it to the office of origin, attaching thereto, whenever possible, a 3370