Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/752

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. redispatching Administration, the amount to be collected is indicated by the Administration which effects delivery. 3. The delivering Administration marks the article with the amount of postage to be collected. 4. Every article not bearing the T-stamp is considered as duly pre- paid and treated accordingly, save in ease of obvious error. 5. Account is not taken of postage stamps or postage-paid impres- sions not valid for prepayment. In such a case, the figure zero (0) is placed beside such stamps or impressions, which shall be boxed with pencil. ARTICLE 135. Return of prepayment bulletins. Recovery of charges advanced. 1. After the delivery to the addressee of an article free of charges, the office which has advanced the customs or other charges on behalf of the sender completes, in regard to itself, the indications which appear on the back of the prepayment bulletin, and transmits the latter, accompanied by the supporting papers, to the office of origin of the article; such transmission is effected in a sealed envelope, without indication of the contents. 2. However, each Administration has the right to cause the return of prepayment bulletins bearing charges by offices specially designated, and to request that the bulletins be sent to a certain office. 3. The name of the office to which the bulletins are to be returned is indicated, in all cases, by the office of origin of the article on the front of the prepayment bulletin. Duplicate bulletins. 4. When an article bearing the notation Franc de droits (free of charges) reaches the office of destination without any prepayment bulletin, the office charged with the customs clearance issues a dupli- cate bulletin, on which it mentions the name of the country of origin, and, as far as possible, the date of mailing of the article. 5. When the prepayment bulletin is lost after the delivery of the article, a duplicate is prepared under the same conditions. turn of re-rt 6. Prepayment bulletins belonging to articles which are returned to origin for any reason shall be canceled by the Administration of destination. Currency conver- 7. On receipt of a prepayment bulletin indicating the charges paid by the service of destination, the Administration of origin converts the amount of those charges into its own money at a rate which shall not be higher than the rate fixed for the issuance of money orders destined for the corresponding country. The result of the conversion is indicated in the body of the form and on the lateral coupon. After having recovered the amount of the charges, the office of origin de- livers the coupon of the bulletin, and, if need be, the supporting papers, to the sender. ARTICLE 136. Forwardedarticles. Cbange ofaddress. 1. Correspondence addressed to persons who have changed their residence is considered as addressed directly from the place of origin to the place of new destination. 3366