Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/699

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<2 STAT.I MULTILATERAL-I'NIVERSAL POSTAL UNI()ON-JULY 5, 1947 2. Each country is represented at the Congress by one or more plenipotentiary delegates, provided with the necessary powers by their government. It may, if necessary, be represented by the delegation of another country. However, it is understood that a delegation may represent only one country besides its own. 3. In the deliberations, each country has but one vote. 4. Each Congress fixes the meeting-place of the next Congress. The latter is called together by the government of the country in which it is to be held, after agreement with the International Bureau. That government is likewise charged with notifying all the govern- ments of the countries of the Union of the decisions made by the Congress. ARTICLE 15. Ratifications. Entry into force and duration of the Acts of Congresses. 1. The Acts of Congresses are ratified as soon as possible, and the ratifications are communicated to the government of the country where the Congress was held, and by that government to the govern- ments of the contracting countries. 2. In the event that one or more of the contracting countries should not ratify one or another of the Acts signed by them, the latter would nevertheless be valid for the countries which have ratified them. 3. Those Acts are put into effect simultaneously and have the same duration. 4. As of the date fixed for the entry into force of the Acts adopted by a Congress, all the Acts of the preceding Congress are abrogated. ARTICLE 16. ExtraordinaryCongresses. 1. An extraordinary Congress is called together by agreement with the International Bureau when a request to that effect is made or approved by at least two-thirds of the contracting countries. 2. The rules laid down by Articles 14 and 15 are applicable to the delegations, the deliberations, and the Acts of extraordinary Congresses. ARTICLE 17. Regulationsfor Congresses. Each Congress draws up the necessary regulations for its work and deliberations. ARTICLE 18. Executive and Liaison Committee. Composition. Functions. Operation. 1. In the interval between Congresses, an Executive and Liaison Committee assures the continuance of the work of the Universal Postal Union in accordance with the provisions of the Convention and the Agreements. 2. The headquarters of the Committee are at Berne; meetings are generally held at the Committee's headquarters. 3313 Votes. Subsequent meet- ing place. Rules applicable.