Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/396

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62 STAT.] FRANCE-AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE FILMS-SEPT. 16 , 1948 II. Official allocation will be effected in the following manner: A. Positive raw stock: The allocation is assured: 1. By the Centre National de la Cinematographie directly, with respect to the requirements of French production and miscellane- ous requirements (needs of the public administration, film libraries, etc.); 2. In accordance with the advice of a Committee for the Allocation of Raw Stock for the requirements of news-reels, distribu- tion of French and foreign films, and exports. It is understood that the Committee will evaluate the over-all needs of export, the sub- allocation being effected by the Centre National de la Cinemato- graphie. The Committee is composed of representatives of the follow- ing professional categories: Production, Distribution, Laboratories. B. Negative raw stock and sound track: Same as paragraph A. above, except that only the priority needs of French production will be met by the Centre National de la Cinematographie directly. ANNEX E DistributionQuota Taking into account the outlay of foreign exchange which the exhibition of foreign films in France involves and the condition of the French balance of payments, and Taking into account the provisions of Articles XII and XIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, The French Government has decided to take the following action: Beginning July 1, 1948, the number of foreign feature-length films which will be authorized for distribution annually (during each year ending June 30) in the French Union in a version dubbed into the French language is fixed as follows: Films originating in the United States of America: 121; Films originating in other foreign countries: 65. Whenever it appears that the French market is insufficiently sup- plied with films, there may be distributed a supplementary quota of imported films prorated on the basis of the figures given above. ANNEX F FinancialAgreement Reference is made to the exchange of letters between the Embassy of the United States of America and the Ministry of Finance, dated June 21, 1947, and July 1, 1947, [1] respectively, which established (a) the amount of money accruing to certain American motion picture companies prior to June 30, 1947, which the Ministry recognized as ' Not printed. 3005 61 Sta't., Pt. 5, pp. A34 , A40.