Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/394

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62 STAT.] FRANCE-AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE FILMS-SEPT. 16 , 1948 referred to in this paragraph as its balance of payments situation improves and to eliminate the restriction when conditions no longer justify its maintenance (Annex E). The Government of the United States of America takes note of this decision of the French Government without prejudice to any rights which the United States Government may have under the General Agreement with respect to any action which the French Government may take to implement this decision. IV. The two Governments have reached a mutually satisfactory under- standing with respect to the financial problems arising from the dis- tribution and exhibition in the French Union of American films (Annex F). V. The arrangements outlined above shall enter into force retroac- tively on July 1, 1948, and shall remain in effect for four years from that date. Either party may request, within two months of the expiration of each annual period, a review of the provisions contained in any of the annexed documents, except as otherwise provided. This agreement, however, shall continue in full force and effect for four years except to the extent that both parties agree to modifications thereof. DONE at Paris, in duplicate, in the English and French languages, this 16th day of September, 1948. For the Government of the Republic of France: SCHUMAN [SEAL] ROBERT LACOSTE [SEAL] 3003 Pos, p. 3005 . Poat, p. 3006. Entry into force; du- ration; modifications. For the Government of the United States of America: JEFFERSON CAFFERY [SCAL] 68706-52 -PT . n-- -26