Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/303

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IRELAND-TRADE -JUNE 28, 1948 exists, and if consultation with the Government of the United States of America fails to reach an agreed solution of the problem, it is understood that it would not be inconsistent with the undertaking in point 1 for the Government of Ireland to levy a countervailing duty on imports of such goods equivalent to the estimated amount of such subsidization, where the Government of Ireland determines that the subsidization is such as to cause or threaten material injury to an established domestic industry, or is such as to prevent or materially retard the establishment of a domestic industry. 5. The undertakings in this note shall remain in force until Janu- Duration. ary 1, 1951, and unless at least six months before January 1, 1951, either Government shall have given notice in writing to the other of intention to terminate these undertakings on that date, they shall remain in force thereafter until the expiration of six months from the date on which such notice shall have been given. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. GEORGE A. GARRETr His Excellency SEAN MACBRIDE, Minister for External Affairs for the Government of Ireland, Dublin. The Irish Ministerfor External Affairs to the American Minister ROINN GNOTHAI EACHTRACHA DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS BAILE ATHA CLIATH DUBLIN 28th June, 1948. EXCELLENCY, I have the honour to refer to the conversations which have recently taken place between representatives of our two Governments relating to the territorial application of commercial arrangements between the United States of America and Ireland, and to confirm the under- standing reached as a result of these conversations as follows: 1. For such time as the Government of the United States of America participates in the occupation or control of any areas in Western Germany, the Free Territory of Trieste, Japan or Southern Korea, the Government of Ireland will extend to the merchandise trade of such areas the most-favoured-nation treatment for the time being accorded to the merchandise trade of the United States of America. It is understood that the undertaking in this paragraph relating to the extension of most-favoured-nation treatment shall be subject to the exceptions recognized in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade permitting departures from the application of most- favoured-nation treatment; provided that nothing in this sentence shall be construed to require compliance with the procedures specified 62 STAT.] 2911