Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1522

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0 Occupation, U. S. Troops in Korea, claims resulting from ---------- _-----_--- Occupation Zones in Germany, American and British. See United States and United Kingdom Zones of Occupa- tion, Germany. Occupied Areas, Most-Favored-Nation Treatment to. See Trade, Most-Fa- vored-Nation Treatment, Etc. OEEC. See European Economic Cooper- ation, Organization of. P Pakistan: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Final Act, accession of signatories, protocol --------------------- Protocol modifying part II and article XXVI-..-----..


Rectifications, second protocol of --- International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946 ------------------- Reparations from Germany, apportion- ment of shares with India------- Trade, application of most-favored- nation treatment to occupied areas of Western Germany ----------- Pan American Grace Airways, Air Trans- port Services, agreement with Chile respecting----------------------- Pan American Highway, improvement of, agreement with Guatemala -------- Pan American Sanitary Bureau, integra- tion with World Health Organization- Pan American Sanitary Conferences, inte- gration with World Health Organiza- tion ------------------------- Panama: Col6n Corridor, location of --- .. -- --. Educational program, cooperative ---- Passport visa fees----------------- Postal Union, Universal-------------- World Health Organization, constitu- tion-------------------------- Panama Canal Zone, Agreements Respect- ing: Air transport services in, agreement with Chile ------------------- Col6n Corridor, location of, agreement with Panama- ---------------- Paraguay: Educational program, cooperative----- Postal Union, Universal ------------- World Health Organization, constitu- tion ------------------------- Page 3433 Paris Agreement of January 14, 1946, Page Supplementary Protocol, apportion- ment of reparation shares between India and Pakistan -------------- 2613 Passport Visa Fees: Denmark------------------------- 4068 Panama-------------------------- 3848 United Kingdom ------------------- 3824 Passport Visas: Belgium -------------------------- 3707 Iceland ------------------------- 3941 Italy----------------------------- 3480 Liberia--------------------------- 3930 Norway, waiver of certain, for American citizens --------------------- - 3649 Patents, Rights of Priority in Filing Appli- cation for, Philippines ------------ 3461 People's Republic of Albania. See Al- bania. People's Republic of Bulgaria. See Bul- garia. Persia. See Iran. Peru: Agricultural experiment station at Tingo Marfa ----------------------- 3474 Cooperative programs- Education------------------------ 3866 Food production-------- --------- 3584 Postal Union, Universal-------------- 3157 World Health Organization, constitu- tion -------------------------- 2679 Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946, payment of public and private claims under-------------------------- 2819 Philippine War Damage Commission, pay- ment of public and private claims, Philippines----------------------- 2819 Philippines: Air transport services --------------- 3023 Claims, public, private, payment of---- 2819 Copyright, reciprocal relations respect- ing --------------------------- 2996 Educational Foundation, U. S ., agree- ment of Mar. 23, 1948, amend- ment------------------------- 3805 Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council, estab- lishment----------------------- 3711 International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946-------------------- 3485 Naval charter for lease of vessels ----- 3870 Patents, rights of priority in filing applications for------- .- -- -

3461 Postal Union, Universal------------ 3157 World Health Organization, constitu- tion ------------------------- 2679 Poland: International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment. 1946 - ---- ---- ---- ---- - 3485 3663 3679 3671 3485 2613 3653 3769 3923 2690 2690 3933 4084 3848 3157 2679 3769 3933 2824, 3447 3157 2679 INDEX CCXV