Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1473

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4094 The Government. The Foundation. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. AGREEMENT THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA, (hereinafter called the Government), represented by the Minister of Education, and the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc., a corporation of the Office of Inter-American Affairs and an agency of the Govern- ment of the United States of America (hereinafter called the Foun- dation), represented by its President, have decided to execute the following agreement for the purpose of carrying out a cooperative educational program designed to promote closer inter-American rela- tions through the exchange of educators, ideas, and educational methods between Panama and the United States, pursuant to Reso- lution No. 28, adopted by the First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics held in Panama from September to October, 1943, [1] and to Resolution No. 58, adopted by the Inter-American Conference on the Problems of War and of Peace, held in the City of Mexico, from February to March, 1945.[2] For the aforesaid purpose the contracting parties agree as follows: The Servicio. 1. - The Government shall create as an integral part of the Ministry of Education a body to be called Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Educacion (hereinafter called the Servicio) which shall be the inter- mediary between the Government of Panama and the Foundation. Special Representa- 2. The personnel that the Foundation may send to Panama shall tive. be under the direction of an official who shall have the title of Special Representative of the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc., and who shall represent the Foundation in all activities connected with the program to be carried out under the terms of the present agreement. The Special Representative, as well as the other experts sent by the Foundation, must be acceptable to the Government in order to exercise their functions. The Director. 3. - The Special Representative of the Foundation shall be the Director of the Servicio. The Executive Power shall appoint the personnel of the Servicio in accordance with the recommendation of the Minister of Education and the Director of the Servicio, and shall in like manner determine the salaries and working conditions of said personnel. The Director of the Servicio shall administer, superintend, and direct the other affairs of the Servicio. Such contracts as may be necessary to carry out any project of the Cooperative Educational Program shall be executed in the name of the Servicio by the Director thereof or by the representative he may designate. 4. - The Cooperative Educational Program which shall place spe- cial emphasis on vocational education may include: 1 Final Act of the First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics (Pan American Union, 1943), p. 25. ' Final Act of the Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace (Pan American Union, 1945), p. 102.