Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1458

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62 STAT.] SPAIN-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES Dec 21 1945 4079 Jan. 15, 1946 In accordance with instructions from the Department of State the Embassy has the honor to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that it would appreciate its consent to the effecting of an appropriate revision of the route definition as set forth in Article I (a) 2 of the Bilateral Air Agreement referred to above, to be modified to read as 68 S tat 1473- follows: "Route 2. A route from the United States through Lisbon to Ma- drid, proceeding therefrom (a) to Rome and points beyond and (b) to Algiers and points beyond, return being made over the same route." The establishment of two routes to be operated from Madrid by Transcontinental World Airways (the name of this company having been modified recently to better describe the greater scope of its op- erations) will add considerably to the volume of traffic through Ma- drid, particularly as the route which it is now proposed to add will permit of through service by TWA from New York to Madrid, thence to the important traffic centers of Rome and Athens, which would be touched on the route to Cairo. The Embassy expresses the hope that approval for this additional route through Madrid may be formalized by an early indication of the Ministry's willingness to effect the appropriate modification of Article I (a) 2 of the agreement of December 2, 1944, as set forth above. MADRID, December21,1945. The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the American Embassy MINISTERIO DE ASUNTOS EXTERIORES P.E. NW0M. 63 NOTA VERBAL El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores saluda atentamente a la Em- bajada de los Estados Unidos de America y en contestaci6n a la Nota Verbal de la Embajada n° 1.379, de 21 de diciembre de 1945, tiene la honra de manifestarle su conformidad a que la ruta n° 2, prevista en el articulo I (a) 1 del "Convenio entre Espafa y los Estados Unidos de America, relativo al funcionamiento de Servicios Internacionales de Transporte Aereo" firmado con fecha 2 de diciembre de 1944, quede redactado de la siguiente forma: Ruta nimero 2 "Ruta desde los Estados Unidos por Lisboa a Madrid continuando desde aqui: a) A Roma y puntos ulteriores; y b) A Argel y puntos ulteriores, efectuandose el regreso por la misma ruta".