Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1445

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4066 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. frangaise, tels que je les ai definis au nom du Gouvernement francais, je vous demande de bien vouloir en outre nous prater votre assistance en ce qui concerne la question sarroise et ses repercussions sur notre situation charbonniere. Je vous demande de bien vouloir, lorsque le rattachement econo- mique de la Sarre a la France aura ete decide, accepter de faire une notification conjointe de cette decision a l'organisation europeenne du charbon (Eco). En faisant cette notification, vous voudrez bien indiquer que la France presentera desormais devant Eco les ressources et les besoins de l'ensemble franco-sarrois, et inviter cet organisme a tirer les conclusions de cette situation nouvelle. J'attacherais du prix A recevoir votre accord sur les dispositions contenues dans les lettres que nous 6changeons, et dont j'accepte la teneur./ . Veuillez agreer, Monsieur le Secr6taire d'Etat, les assurances de ma tres haute consideration. BIDAULT Monsieur GEORGE C. MARSHALL, Secretaire d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'Am~rique. Translation THE MINISTER FOREIGN AFFAIRS [Moscow] April 19, 1947. MR. SECRETARY OF STATE: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 19 concerning exports of coal from the three western zones of Germany. I am pleased to note that you have, in large measure, complied with the requests which were made long ago by the French Government, in fixing, by a formula of general application, the amount of exports of coal as a function of German production. Although still far from what we had expected, the figures which are enclosed with your letter con- stitute an effort on your part and on that of the United States Govern- ment to understand, which we appreciate, knowing the cares which you have echoed. I thank you therefore for this communication, of which I take note. However, on account of the difference which exists between what we can expect from your proposals and the minimum vital require- ments of French economy, as I have defined them in the name of the French Government, I request you to be good enough to lend us your assistance in the Saar question and its repercussions on our coal situation. I request that, when the economic annexation of the Saar to France has been decided upon, you will be so good as to consent to make a joint notification of this decision to the European Coal Organ- ization (Eco). In making this notification, please indicate that France will, in the future, lay before the Eco the supplies and require- ments of France and the Saar as a whole, and invite that organization