Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1398

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62 STAT.] GUATEMALA-COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-Oet 2, 19945 May 6.1947 Amplifying Agreement between the Republic of Guatemala and the Inter-American EducationalFoundation, Inc. The REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA (hereinafter called the "Republic"); and the INTER-AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC., a corpora- tion of the Office of Inter-American Affairs and an Agency of the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Foundation"), have decided to celebrate the following contract of amplification of the Agreement signed between representatives of the Republic and the Foundation on August 12, 1944, which Agreement provided for the undertaking of a Cooperative Educational Program to promote Inter-American understanding by bringing about a better interchange of educators, and educational ideas and methods, between Guatemala and the United States, pursuant to Resolution 28 of the First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics held in Panama in September and October, 1943, and pursuant to Resolution 58 adopted by the Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace, held at Mexico City in February and March, 1945. The said original Agreement of August 12, 1944 was drawn in general terms. A survey of the schools made since the Agreement was signed, and the scope of the plans which the Ministry of Public Education has made for their improvement, have indicated the desir- ability of amplifying the terms of the said original Agreement. The parties hereto therefore agree, effective as of this date, to the continu- ation and amplification of the Cooperative Educational Program in Guatemala and of the terms of the said original Agreement as follows: 1. The Republic shall create, as an integral part of its Ministry of Public Education, an organism with juridical personality to be known as the SERVICIO COOPERATIVO INTERAMERICANO DE EDUCACION (hereinafter called the "Servicio"), which shall be the intermediary between the two Governments for the carrying out of the said Coop- erative Educational Program in Guatemala. The Field Staff of the Foundation shall render technical advice and assistance to the Servicio in carrying out the said Program. 2. The Field Staff of the Foundation shall be under the direction of an official who shall have the title of Special Representative, Inter- American Educational Foundation, Inc., and who shall be the repre- sentative of the Foundation in connection with the Cooperative Educational Program in Guatemala. The Special Representative and the other members of the Field Staff shall be acceptable to the Republic. The Minister of Public Education shall be the represen- tative of the Republic in connection with the Cooperative Educa- tional Program. 3. The Special Representative of the Foundation shall be the Director of the Servicio. The Director of the Servicio shall, in agreement with the Minister of Public Education, select, appoint, and discharge its employees and determine their salaries and condi- tions of employment. The Director shall direct, manage, and super- vise the other affairs and activities of the Servicio, and may delegate 68706-52 -PT. 1- --89 4019 The Republic. The Foundation. Ante, p. 4011 . Effective date. The Servicio. Special Represnta- tive. Director.