Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1388

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62 STAT.] GUATEMALA-COOPERATIVE EDUCATION--Oaty 23, 1945 May 6, 1947 time, exclusively in the construction of school buildings in connection with the Cooperative Program as mutually agreed upon by the Minister of Public Education and the Special Representative of the Foundation. I am advised that the Foundation is prepared on its part to contribute the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) in cash, over a period of three years, to the Servicio ac- count for local projects and to provide, over the same period, technical personnel and pay their salaries and expenses in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000). I understand, also, that the Government of Guatemala is disposed to continue making available to the Foundation, and to make available to the Servicio, such office space, office equipment and furnishings, and other of its facilities, materials and supplies as it may conveniently supply for the program, and that it is disposed to grant to the Servicio exemtion and immunity from any and all taxes, fees, charges, imposts, and customs duties whether national, departmental, provin- cial, or municipal and from all requirements for licenses, and to grant both to the Servicio and to its official personnel all the rights and privileges, such as postal, telegraph, and telephone franks and right to special government rates allowed by domestic companies of mari- time, rail and air travel, telegraph and telephone, etc., which are enjoyed by the dependencies and officials of the Government of the Republic. I understand that the Republic is disposed to accept the Foundation as an agency of the Government of the United States, entitled to the exemptions and immunities enumerated above, and also to grant to the Foundation all the rights and privileges enumerated above, and to the personnel of the Foundation, who are citizens of the United States of America, exemption from all Guatemalan income taxes and social security taxes on income on which they are obliged to pay equivalent taxes to the United States of America, from property taxes on personal property intended for their own use, and from customs duties on their personal effects and on supplies and equipment imported and exported for their personal use. I understand that, pursuant to Article 9 of the original agreement, the details of the expanded Cooperative Program are currently being worked out in an amplificatory Agreement [1] between the repre- sentatives of the Ministry of Public Education of Your Excellency's Government and the Inter-American Educational Foundation, Inc. I should appreciate receiving from Your Excellency confirmation that my understanding of the arrangements described in this note is correct and that the points outlined herein are satisfactory to the Government of Guatemala. Please accept, Excellency, the reassurance of my highest and most distinguished consideration. EDWIN J. KYLE . His Excellency Licenciado don GUILLERMO TORIELLO, Minister of ForeignRelations, Gatemala. I Signed Oct. 23, 1945. 4009 Facilities, exemp tions. etc. Poet, p. 4013. Port, p. 4019.