Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1242

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62 STAT.1 GERMANY, U. S./U. K . ZONE-RELIEF SUPPLIES-DEC. 7 , 16 , 1948 The United States/UnitedKingdom Military Governors to the United States PoliticalAdviser for Germany and the Deputy Special ECA Representative to the Bisone THE BIPARTITE BOARD OFFICE OF THE BIPARTITE SECRETARIAT Berlin 16 DEcMBmER 1948 GENTLEMEN: For the purpose of giving effect to Article VI, paragraph 2, read with Article IV, paragraph 5, of the Economic Cooperation Agreement between the United States of America and the United States/United Kingdom Military Governors, signed on 14 July 1948, it is understood 62 Stat. , Pt. 2, that the United States/United Kingdom Military Governors in Ger- many, acting on behalf of the United States/United Kingdom occupied areas in Germany, and the Government of the United States of Amer- ica have agreed as follows: 1. The United States/United Kingdom Military Governors shall accord duty-free entry into the United States/United Kingdom oc- cupied areas in Germany of: (a) Supplies of relief goods or standard packs donated to or pur- chased by voluntary non-profit relief agencies having their headquarters in the United States of America and qualified under Economic Cooperation Administration (hereinafter re- ferred to as ECA) regulations and consigned to such charitable organizations (including branches of such agencies in the United States/United Kingdom occupied areas in Germany) as have been or hereafter shall be approved by the United States/United Kingdom Military Governors. (b) Relief packages originating in the United States and sent by parcel post or commercial channels to any person residing in the United States/United Kingdom occupied areas in Germany, whether packed privately or by order placed with a commercial firm. (c) Standard packs put up by voluntary nonprofit relief agencies having their headquarters in the United States of America and qualified under ECA regulations, or their approved agents, on the order of persons in the United States and sent for delivery to any person residing in the United States/United Kingdom occupied areas in Germany. 2. For the purpose of this agreement, the term "relief goods" (para- graph 1 (a) above) shall not include tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, alco- holic beverages, or such other commodities as may be agreed upon by the United States/United Kingdom Military Governors and the United States Government; "relief packages" (paragraph 1 (b) above) shall include only such goods as are qualified for ocean freight subsidy under the EGA Act and regulations issued by the Administrator 6 s tat, Ptl,p.137. thereunder and as may be agreed upon for entry into the United 3863